1. Almost every single pair of my socks looks like this because of my damn long Morton’s toe. That toe literally breaks through cotton, wool, metal, you name it. The toe has a mind of its own. It might kill you in your sleep.
2. Did I tell you I am coaching a running group out of Boulder? I trained with a group called Fast Forward Sports for Ironman Boulder. I am now one of the coaches for their holiday run program (you can still sign up!). I love this because I have only done individual run coaching, and most of it online. I really like the group interaction. We can fart in unison. And, I like I get to wear a jacket that says COACH.
Our group ran 7 miles this morning around the Boulder Reservoir. 12 degrees. Snow. I LOVE this cold. I so much prefer it to being in Mexico on the beach!
3. With our Spanish exchange student I am learning so much about how different teens can be in different cultures. Thing #47 I learned on Thursday while we were watching the Biggest Loser. Antoni wanted a snack, so he made this.
WHAT?? I would die and go to heaven if my kids chose to cut up a tomato and drizzle it with balsamic vinegar and oil instead of eating Fritos. Where have I gone wrong?
4. Ken is in the throes of No-Shave November. He is getting so shaggy that the people at work thought he had been on a homeless drinking binge for several days. I am doing No-Shave November with my armpits. It’s going well. I will show you a picture on November 30. If you are lucky.
5. Everyone keeps asking me what my next big race will be. Between you and me, I have no clue. I just finished reading “Out There” by David Clark (I got it on Kindle for $5.99).
It’s a memoir (you know those are my favorites) about a former extremely overweight alcoholic (from Colorado!) who transformed himself completely. He now runs ultras and runs them FAST and furiously. I was so incredibly inspired by this man and you will be too. I know for a fact an ultra is in my future. Maybe a 50 miler in 2015? Who wants to join me? I’m not committing, just discussing.
Give me one random thing about your week. Make it good.
PS: Check back on Monday for a fun announcement…