5 Quick Tips for Choosing Necklaces

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Have you thought about what your necklaces is communicating and where it’s drawing attention on your body?  Discover my 5 Quick Tips for Choosing Necklaces in this video.

Where does the necklace sit?  A choker will shorten your neck.  A long pendant will draw attention to your stomach.

Consider the scale of the necklace.  Do you want your necklace to be a feature or just a small addition to your outfit?

Do you want to make your bust look smaller?  Look for larger scale necklaces which help to distract from your bust.  You can choose a necklace made from many smaller pieces or one large one, depending on what you want to communicate and your own personal scale.

A larger piece is more bold and dramatic and will communicate that you are happy to be the center of attention.  A small piece that is delicate is more feminine, one that is plain is more relaxed and casual.

What’s the necklace made from?  Sparkly necklaces are more formal and dressed up than a necklace made from wood or polished turquoise.  Therefore something sparkly will look more formal.  A necklace made from more simple materials will look more relaxed and approachable.

Further Reading:

How to choose a necklace to work with your personality style

How to flatter larger facial features

Minimise a large bust with jewellery

How a large necklace can make your bust look smaller