5 Quick Question with Grace Bakker: Canadian Music Week 2019 Preview

By Phjoshua @thereviewsarein

Our first introduction to Grace Bakker came when they appeared on our TV screen during The Launch, Season 1. On the last episode of the season, Grace competed to release their version of Giants, and while it didn't go that way, we've been keeping an eye out for them ever since.

Now, Grace Bakker is getting ready to play two sets during Canadian Music Week 2019 in Toronto. And to get ourselves ready and give you all a little preview, we asked Grace a few questions about CMW and played a round of 5 Quick Questions via email.

Check out the show details now, and then let's get to the Q&A!

Show #1
Date: Tuesday May 7th
Venue: Painted Lady
Location: 218 Ossingston Ave
Doors: 7:00 PM
Concert Type: Club Series
Ages: / 19+. / All wristbands accepted. / Limited wristbands. / Limited tickets at the door.

Thank you to Grace for taking the time to answer our questions. We can't wait to see and hear more from them in the future!

Q. What does it mean for you as an artist to have the chance to showcase at an event like Canadian Music Week?

Grace: Getting a showcase with Canadian Music Week gives an artist an insane amount of validation. And it is very motivating in the sense that it pushes me to continue creating and giving the people who come out to see the show music to look forward to!

Q. What is the most exciting thing for you about playing your CMW shows this year?

Grace: CMW connects so many talented individuals from so many different sectors of the music industry and really gives an opportunity for artists like myself to make a name for themselves within the Canadian music community. Collaboration and connections are extremely exciting and can open so many doors for a creator. So, I'm definitely excited for the opportunity to show people what I can do.

Q. Are there any artists or bands that you're really excited to see during Canadian Music Week this year?

Grace: I have a couple friends who also got spots for showcases this year so I will definitely have to check those out. But besides that, I think part of the fun of CMW is that you can go out to different venues and see artists you maybe never would've come across and just listen to good music. I'm excited to hop around venues and find new inspirations and artists that can kill a live set.

Take a look back at Grace's audition on The Launch, and dive into our 5 Quick Questions with the Toronto singer-songwriter.

5 Quick Questions with Grace Bakker

Q1. If you're on a long drive or a road trip and can only choose 1 album to put on to listen to, which album would you choose?

Grace: The Suicide Squad Movie Soundtrack is honestly still so sick. But if it was an album by one artist specifically it would have to be The Rise of Hobo Johnson by Hobo Johnson. That album is rad.

Q2. Do you have a dream duet partner?

Grace: Either Alessia Cara or Hayley Williams depending on the vibe of the song.

Q3. Do you have a dream venue that you'd like to play some day?

Grace: Budweiser Stage has always been a venue I love to see shows at. I feel like it does an amazing job at letting emotion flow throughout and just makes people want to let loose. Whether it's on the floor, seats, or lawn, people love to rock out there.

Q4. What is the 1 thing you always need to have with you for a songwriting session?

Grace: Guitar. I almost always start with the guitar vibe before the lyrics start flowing. Guitar is a must.

Q5. Is there an artist that you're listening to that you think other people should be paying more attention to?

Grace: I mean people are finally starting to notice him but Alec Benjamin is still super underrated considering his ability to write lyrics and melody lines. Not to mention he is KILLER live. So freaking good.