5 Quick Facts About Granadilla / Grenadia

Posted on the 01 January 2014 by Lasesana @lasesana

by foolfillment, Flickr Creative Commons

1. Passiflora liguiaris is also known as Sweet granadilla or Grenadia.


foolfillment Flickr Creative Commons

2. Granadilla is native to the Andes Mountains of Colombia, Venezuela and Bolivia, but is now grown from Argentina to Mexico, and in Australia and Africa (where is it known as ‘passion fruit’), and Papua New Guinea (where is known as ‘sugar fruit’).


by foolfillment Flickr Creative Commons

3. Granadillas are roughly the size of a tennis ball and have a smooth, hard outer shell and a soft white interior shell that protects the seeds. The edible part of the fruit is the soft pulp surrounding the seeds, similar to passion fruit.


മലയാളം: passiflora (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

4. Granadillas contain Vitamins A, C, and K. They also contain phosphorous, iron, and calcium.


yosoynuts Flickr Creative Commons

5. Granadillas taste slightly like passion fruit but are less tangy and much sweeter. They also taste similar to the flesh of a white grape. They are very aromatic and the taste is mild with a hint of citrus. 

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