5 Often Neglected Website Promotion Tactics

Posted on the 29 April 2017 by Kharim Tomlinson @KharimTomlinson

So you have a great website up and running, posting quality content and enticing people with its wonderful aesthetics. But, when it comes to website promotion, are you 100% sure you aren't missing something?

When marketing your website, you need to make sure that you cover all the bases out there. This means that you need to combine your online and offline efforts into a cohesive marketing strategy that is certain to draw attention, and have people look up your website online. In this article we are going to discuss some of the often neglected tactics for promoting your website.

Search Engine Optimization

There is a number of people that are going to tell you that SEO is dead. Don't listen to them. SEO is alive and kicking, and also constantly evolving, so you need to stay ahead of the changes. What is extremely important for drawing traffic from search engines such as Google and Yahoo is your website's is natural growth. A lot of factors are important for your SEO efforts - keyword optimization, single post optimization, image optimization, etc. In other words, you have to fully optimize your website. There's more to it than just finding the right keywords. Your website's performance also matters a lot, so make sure that nothing is hindering its speed.

Guerrilla Marketing

When it comes to offline promotion, you can truly get creative with guerrilla marketing tactics. It's basically defined as an unconventional marketing technique, where you make use of surprising elements to grab your audience's attention. It could be in the form of a street festival, or an amazing stunt, which make people wonder what is going on. Then, you use the right moment to advertise your website and services. Chalk art and graffiti are also a form of guerrilla marketing. You could also make it as simple as leaving sticky notes in places such as bars and coffee shops, or even on cars and buildings. You just need to make sure that your guerrilla marketing tactic remains within the legal boundaries.

Engaging With People via Social Networks

A common mistake for businesses is to neglect their social media outlets as a form of communication with their customer base. There's more to it than just posting content that leads to your website. You need to read what people are commenting and do your best to reply whenever you can. The truth is that not every post has to have a link attached. You can think of a creative way to ask your fan base for feedback. It could be as simple as asking them what they think about your website's design and content, and what you should do with it to make it engaging and fresh. You could also make use a survey, so that all your fans need to do is click on an option. After the survey, people who participated will feel like what they think matters. Also, don't forget to mention people whose opinion you make use of to create new content.

Visual Assets

It's a fact that people react to visual stimuli. Therefore, you should invest into often neglected offline visual advertising forms such as banners, or fence and corflute signs. What you need to do0 is to find the right location in your area (indoors or outdoors) where they are bound to draw enough attention, and make people want to look you up online to learn more about who you are and what you are offering. Use engaging imagery that catches the eye, and make sure that your website address is prominent. The font that you choose is also very important, so make sure that you choose one that is appropriate and of high quality. If you are promoting a product, make sure that it's clearly visible and upfront.


Nothing beats the power of a good and strong handshake with a potential fan or a prospective customer. People like to put a face to the name, so you need to make the most out of face-to-face networking in order to attract your audience's attention and have them come to your website to learn as much as they can about you. Make use of every opportunity to join local organizations, because here you will be able to present yourself to a targeted audience. It's all about making connections in order to further your reach. Who knows, maybe after a while such opportunities will make it possible for you to go to national conferences that these organizations hold, where you will have even more chances to engage with people and gain new fans.

In order to successfully promote your website, you need a cohesive marketing strategy that combines both your online and offline efforts. Even though these 5 website promotion tactics are often neglected, they can, in fact, make your website very successful.

Leila Dorari is a marketing consultant and a freelance writer from Sydney. She has been working with different companies for 5 years now. When taking a break from making new marketing slogans, she is either window shopping or exploring new ways to make her life more meaningful.