5 Odd But True Ways Teens Are Getting Drunk Without Drinking

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

Teenagers are naturally curious and sometimes do things that are not good for them. They think that they are invincible and that nothing bad will ever happen to them. For example, many teenagers experiment with alcohol and get drunk. However, not all of them drink alcohol to get drunk. It is possible to get drunk without actually drinking alcohol. Here are three odd ways teenagers are getting drunk without drinking.


Apparently, cocaine is not the only thing that you can snort. Some teenagers are actually snorting vodka through straws to get drunk. Snorting alcohol will get you drunk faster because it enters your system quicker. It is possible to feel the effects in just seconds. Many teenagers who have snorted alcohol fainted afterward. Putting alcohol in your nose will also scorch your mucous membranes.

Vodka Tampons

It might sound horrifying, but some teenagers are actually soaking tampons in vodka and inserting them vaginally and rectally. A lot of teenagers do this to get drunker faster; alcohol is able to enter the bloodstream quicker. Many teenagers also use vodka tampons so that they do not have alcohol on their breath.


Eyeballing may be the most extreme way teenagers get drunk these days. Some teenagers are pouring alcohol into their eyes because they think it will be absorbed into the bloodstream faster. However, not that much alcohol is absorbed. The immediate rush they feel is actually caused by the intense pain they feel from the alcohol. Getting drunk this way is very dangerous because it can cause permanent eye damage.

Gummy Bears

One new disturbing trend is the use of innocent looking gummy bears to help teens get drunk in secret. Apparently, the gummy bears will absorb vodka when they are soaked in it and kids are simply taking these candies to school without anyone the wiser. This one is especially scary because gummy bears are  recognizable to little children as a treat. In the wrong hands these seemingly innocuous creatures can be incredibly dangerous.


Another new alcohol trend that is sweeping the world. It is know as smoking or vaporizing alcohol. By submitting the alcohol to high pressure it is changed from a liquid to a gas, which can then be inhaled. This one is popular for its supposed intoxicating properties without the usual high caloric load of cocktails. It is dangerous because it forgoes your liver, the organ which usually breaks the alcohol down.

These are some of the crazy ways some teenagers are getting drunk. Teenagers are also injecting, inhaling and putting alcohol in food to get intoxicated. It is pretty scary to think about, especially if you have a teenager of your own. You want to do everything you can to protect him, but you can’t watch him every minute. Peer pressure is out there and not every teenager is able to resist it. The best thing you can do is talk to your teenagers about the dangers of drinking alcohol. If he is aware of the kind of damage alcohol can cause, he will be much less likely to drink it. Also, make sure to talk to him about the dangers of drinking and driving. If your teenager ever does get caught drinking and driving, you should contact a DUI attorney in San Diego right away.