5 New Favorite Blogs

By Lisa @Lisapatb
For some reason I was awarded the Liebster blog award a few days ago from the Four Legged Mom.
Thanks to Bren at the Four Legged Mom for this honor - If you haven't visited her site recently check it out. She is always re-making her site and it's really awesome! Her topics are not just about dogs - she has many intriguing topics within her blog. 

Here are the rules from the Four Legged Mom - 

Liebster means “dearest” in German, and the award is intended to help up-and-coming blogs get the attention they deserve. As with any award, there is a bit of ceremony involved. In order to accept the award, we must do the following: 1. Copy and paste the award on our blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who gave us the award
3. Pick our five favorite blogs with less than 200 followers, and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
4. Hope that the five blogs chosen will keep spreading the love and pass it on to five more blogs.
So I decided to visit Bloggers and check out some new bloggers in the blogosphere.  Here are the 5 that I liked:

1) Affiliate Marketing Tune - Up I picked this one because I have started to dabble in affiliate marketing and really like it. This blog gives some great tips and tricks about affiliate marketing without making it sound like you can make money overnight. If it's too good to be true, it probably is!

2) After Bedtime Blog - Loved the title and graphics as soon as I entered this blog. I believe you will too!  This blog has lots of tricks and tips on blogging.  I also got lost on this blog because there was so much to it and ended up over on the Blog Frog. Between Bren's and this new blog my mind was racing how to make my own blog better. 

3)  Jay's Online Reviews - This one is an entrepreneurs guide to making money online. Once again the graphics drew me into this blog.  This blog is loaded with stuff almost too much going on but if you take the time to go through it it has a lot of great information. This author is on Blog Frog too - making me think more...

4) Howw-to - This blog is nice and clean, easy to navigate and read with interesting topics throughout.  This blog has no pages, just blog posts so when you land on the home page the first thing you see is the latest post. 

5) Married in WA - Clean fun blog about a couple married in WA that came from England.  There are  some great pics of their dog and various topics in this clean laid out blog on a variety of  light topics. 

So take some time now that that Christmas is over and visit some new blogs today. It sure got my creative juices flowing! Thanks Bren for the award and the challenge of finding 5 new favorite blogs!  

Will you be checking out some new blogs today?