5 Natural Ways to Boost Immunity with Ayurvedic Products

Posted on the 06 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

The immune system is like a protective shield against various diseases. The body constantly comes in contact with various microorganisms, which can lead to diseases. The immune system fights with those microorganisms and prevents disease. 

Thus, making the immune system strong is necessary. Ayurvedic products can help to boost immunity without any side effects.

There are multiple natural ayurvedic ingredients to boost your immunity. Here, more on how you can use ayurvedic products to boost your immunity power will be discussed. 

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicinal practice, passed down from generation to generation. Take a look at what are those precious things of Ayurveda. 

  • 5 best ayurvedic products to boost your immunity power – 

There are only 5 ayurvedic products that can boost immunity that are mentioned here. However, there are numerous ayurvedic ingredients that can also help. If these products are not available locally, then purchase them online. 

Make sure to buy products only from reliable brands. That way, you will be sure to get only authentic, tested products. 

1.Amla – Scientific name of amla is Emblica Officinalis. It is basically a sour fruit, and a rich source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is well known for boosting immunity. It is helpful in removing body heat. It helps to flush out toxins from the body which boosts overall health. It also helps with digestive issues. It has a lot of antioxidants, which keep your skin and hair healthy. 

You can consume raw amla juice every morning on an empty stomach. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. So, it can soothe your painful joints too. If raw juice is too sour for you, then mix it with a spoon of honey. 

2.Tulsi – Tulsi is scientifically known as Ocimum Sanctum. It can help you with a cold and cough. Tulsi is beneficial for those who are suffering from lung problems. 

3.Ashwagandha – Ashwagandha is scientifically known as Withania Somnifera. Every part of ashwagandha is usable and beneficial. However, the most commonly used part of ashwagandha roots. It is well known for treating multiple diseases. 

It can help you with arthritis, skin infection, nerve problems, autoimmune disease, etc. You can consume the dried root of ashwagandha with warm milk. It will boost your immunity and also improve the functions of your brain cells. 

4.Ginger – Zingiber Officinalis is the scientific name of ginger. You can use it as a spice in your cooking and also can make tea. Dried ginger powder is also a good option for digestion and cold. 

5.Mulethi – Scientific name of mulethi is Glycyrrhiza Glabra. It is extremely helpful with colds and coughs. You can powder the dry root of mulethi and consume it with raw honey and pure ghee. In this way, you can boost your immunity. 


These are only a few ayurvedic products, which can boost your immunity. You can also try other ayurvedic ingredients to boost your immunity. You can purchase all of these ingredients online or can look for them in the local herbal shop. 

You can also make a small herbal garden for yourself. You can plant easy herbs like tulsi, neem, ginger, turmeric, etc. However, consuming anything in excess amounts can be harmful. So, keep that in mind and follow these instructions to boost your immunity. 

The post 5 Natural Ways to Boost Immunity with Ayurvedic Products first appeared on Justs Buzz.