Right from endless hours of starring into computer screens to sleepless nights due to stress, today's generation is easily prone to a lot of health issues. A few go undiscovered until it starts to hurt whereas a few others are visible outright. Dark circles are one such dreadful appearance that makes one look displeasing, sickly, and tired. So what is actually causing this skin darkening around your eyes happen?
Why dark circles?-The most common reason is sleeplessness. Proper sleeping hours and ample rest will ensure you don't fall into the dark circle trap.
-Sometimes, genetic factors might also lead to the same. Though one cannot completely overcome this, it is still possible to reduce the worsening with healthy lifestyle habits.
-Hyper-pigmentation is one other cause for irritable patches around the lips and eyes.
Easy curesBefore you opt for sleep-time creams and toners, head to your very own kitchen for it holds the secret ingredients that will help you steer clear of that annoying skin darkening around rest-seeking eyes.
1. Almond Oil (Vitamin E)The natural goodness of almond oil helps even out the skin tone.
- Take a few drops of sweet almond oil and massage it over your eyes in a circular motion. Repeat this every night until you see noticeable difference.
Wrinkles and fine lines are a sign of ageing, but in today's scenario, it has become common among the young too. Hours on the smart phone sure reflects on those poor eyes. Cucumber has anti-ageing benefits and works great on removing blemishes and skin loosening.
- Cut two slices of chilled cucumber and place it over your eyes. If possible, take a quick nap for your body to relax. Remove the slices after a good 15 mins. This is the best remedy for puffy eyes as well.
The skin tightening properties of potato is what comes handy here.
- Extract the juice using a blender. Soak cotton balls into the juice and place it over your eyes. Let it stay for 15 mins and then wash it with cold water.
Mint leaves are the ultimate relaxers.
- Crush the mint leaves and apply the paste around your eyes. Make sure you do a patch test before doing this.
The most easily available and cost-effective skin toner, milk lightens the skin tone effectively when applied on a daily basis.
- Make it a morning routine to dab a milk-soaked cotton ball on your eyes.
Act before it's too late. Dark circles are very stubborn and don't leave you that easily. The sooner you take remedies to fight against this, the better it is to look all fresh and relaxed.