5 Months With Sebastian

By Leslielazard @leslielazard

I can’t believe as I’m writing this post that my sweet baby boy is 5 months old! He’s growing so quickly that it makes me emotional (insert crying emoji here) – I’m sure all of my other mamas out there can relate. Bash is the happiest baby, and seriously has the most easygoing and sweet disposition. I’m not sure how we got so lucky, but he makes being a mom so easy. Hopefully he keeps it up once he’s well into his teenage years. Fingers crossed!

I don’t have any official 5 month stats, but at his 4 month well visit Sebastian weighed almost 16 pounds, and was 25 and 1/4 inches long, putting him in the 61st percentile for weight, and the 53rd percentile for height. We definitely have a little chunker on our hands. He’s drinking 6-8 oz bottles at each feeding, and eats about every 3 hours or so during the day. We’ve also started to give him cereal a few weeks ago, and he’s taking awhile to get used to it. The first time we fed him cereal, he just pushed it out of his mouth with his tongue. But slowly but surely he’s eating more and more of it. The last couple of times we got him to eat about 9 spoonfuls of it – progress people.

Bash is also super inquisitive, aka nosey, and loves to people watch anytime he’s out of the house. He smiles all the time now, and cracks the biggest smile right after he wakes up when he sees either me or Rashaad. It melts my heart! Along with smiling he’s also full out laughing, and will crack up at any and everything at the drop of a hat. He’s mastered rolling over, and tries to scoot around once he’s on his belly, but he hasn’t quite figured out how to use both his legs and arms together to move around like he wants.

We aren’t seeing any teeth quite yet, but I’m sure they won’t be too far off in our future, considering the fact that Bash tries to chew on literally any and everything. My hands seem to be his favorite! This teething ring is only $5 bucks and is his favorite as of now. He’s also really into this cuddly toy, and this little turtle happens to be his absolutely favorite toy currently.

Since Sebastian was born in May right before summer kicked into high gear, he’s worn lighter clothing up until now. We had our first real cool days this past week, so of course I had to make sure he was all stocked up and ready for the colder temps. I picked up this adorable jacket, along with the matching pants, this cute little hoodie, and this sweater in 2 colors on sale last week, along with these cute little joggers, and these pull on jeans. So cute!