5 Leading Women Engineers in the World

Posted on the 24 November 2015 by Ssankarr

A wise man once said, " There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women ".

Well, all of us know that the Google, Facebook and the Microsoft around the world are headed by the descendants of Adam. Actually ever thought that whenever the present generation talks about technology or say "engineering", they only speak about Mark Zuckerberg of FACEBOOK, Sunder Pichhai of GOOGLE and Satya Nadela of Microsoft and never has one ever heard of Lisette Titre or Amanda Stiles or Lisa Earnhardt and other beautiful and highly intellectual ladies.

Yes! In this male dominated profession, there exist many charming and pretty faces that are turning heads around and more importantly, bringing about a lot of technological changes with their super awesome ENGINEERING abilities.

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Here are a few of the leading women engineers:

If you are an avid gamer then you must have heard this name a lot of times and if you haven't, then you are not even close to be called a gamer.

Lisette holds an amazing 10 plus years of experience in video game designing and recently joined Ubisoft, the name behind the popular Assassin's Creed as the manager of its art/computer animation department.

If anyone has an engineering dream, then Tracy Chou is one female who is simply living it. In her late twenty's, she is one of the females who has made quite a name for herself in the valley.

Starting her career as an intern with Google and Facebook, Tracy has worked with a coveted start ups such as Quora followed by Pinterest where she still remains.

Erica Lockheimer- Director of growth engineering | LinkedIn

Being the head of LinkedIn's Technical Women Leaders initiative, a peer group for women techies at the company, Erica also is one of the few to earn a patent in LinkedIn. She has been responsible in doubling the member sign up rate and increasing total member count.

Erica and her team indulge in encouraging people to join and use LinkedIn.

Christina Chen- General manager Chief Experiences Office | Microsoft

Christina is one of the few to join Microsoft straight after college and then moving to Google for five years before being poached back to Microsoft again where she is presently leading a team that is working towards making Microsoft product much more user friendly and easy.

She is currently the General Manager of the Emerging Devices Experiences team and the Chief Experiences Office in the Applications and Service Group at Microsoft.

Kate Bergeron- Vice President, Hardware Engineering | Apple

After pursuing her Mechanical Engineering from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Kate joined Apple in 2002 and has come a very long way from mechanical engineering in manufacturing to designing high end, user friendly mobile products and closely working with the Mac design team. She is presently in charge of manufacturing a wide range of Apple products including the latest Apple TV.

These are only a few influential women engineers who have made their firm impression in the field of engineering. But there are many more to it once we start reading about them.

About the Author: Pragya, a Journalism and Mass Communication graduate, loves to read and write. This young lady likes to surround herself with creative people and her true passion lies in creative writing.

5 Leading Women Engineers in the World