5 Introvert Travel Tips

By Vikasacharya
January 21, 2017

5 introvert travel tips

Article Source: mylittlepieceofquiet.wordpress.com

welcome to my little piece of quiet

I have an upcoming trip to Ireland and Scotland in the next few weeks and I’m so excited. Both countries are part of my heritage and both are on my bucket list. Though I’ve traveled extensively throughout North America, this will be my first foray into international travel.

Knowing how limited my energy is on a daily basis, I wanted to prepare for the trip in advance. Here are a few things I’ll be trying to do. If you have any additional tips or tricks, I’d love to hear them.

1. Schedule quiet time.
As an introvert with limited energy, quiet time is essential. Factor in a busy travel day at the airport filled with security and customs stress, busy corridors full of people, and blaring announcements every few seconds, and quiet becomes even more necessary.There’s the stress of making decisions or having to adjust to last-minute changes or delays. I…

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Written by Vikas Acharya Posted in blogger