5 Halloween Movies To Watch On Netflix This Week

By Alongabbeyroad @alongabbeyroad

1. Sleepy HollowThis is a Halloween classic, and with Tim Burton as the director and Johnny Depp as the awkward and skittish Ichabod Crane, it's a no-brainer. Watch it, get creeped out by it, and love it!

2. The Addams FamilyOh, the beloved Addams family! If I had to choose a dark and sinister family to be adopted into, it would be this one. They are hilarious and don't take themselves too seriously. It's one of my favorite shows/movies, and it makes Halloween that much more spectacular... or should I say spooktacular? P.S. What's with Christina Ricci being the creepy movie golden girl? (She's in Sleepy Hollow, too!)

3. Corpse BrideAnd we are graced with another Tim Burton film yet again! (You can watch The Nightmare Before Christmas on Netflix as well, FYI.) And Johnny Depp! But you already knew that Tim Burton is practically synonymous with Johnny Depp/Helena Bonham Carter—what a bunch of fantastically zany weirdos. I want to hang out with all of them... in the Addams Family Mansion! Wouldn't that be wonderful?

4. Wuthering HeightsSo, I bought a vintage copy of this novel with a beautiful teal hardcover and detailed gold lettering, but didn't get around to actually reading it before watching this. I knew it had supernatural undertones and a dark plot, but I was genuinely freaked out in a couple of scenes, so I don't know if I can handle reading the book. I do most of my reading at night, and I am obviously easily spooked. Pretty sure my dreams would turn into nightmares and I would start convincing myself the shadows on the walls were ghosts. But it is a great story. I will get around to reading it one day, however the movie will suffice for now, and it is perfect for Halloween. (And I now see why Ralph Fiennes was cast as Voldemort—I am pretty sure Heathcliff is just as evil, if not more.)

5. Curious George: A Halloween Boo FestWhat better way to end this list than with a happy and adorable Halloween movie? We watch this at least three times per week, and it is so cute! I've always loved Curious George, which is apparent since we dressed up as George and the Woman in the Yellow Hat for Luke's first Halloween! Add it to your list, even if you don't have kids! ;)
Happy Halloween!
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