5 Great Ways To Improve Your Garden Pond

By Nitrotech

Garden Ponds give that special something to any outdoor space, but require a little work to make them truly exceptional features. Maybe your Pond is looking unhealthy, out of place, or perhaps it just requires a few small additions to make it at home in your garden. 

But how can you improve your Garden Pond?

Well you’re in luck! This guide will show you how to make these improvements – by providing you with advice, expertise and great recommendations.

1.Improve your Ponds Water Quality

Ponds are great natural habitats for pond life and plant life alike.

However they can also attract excessive amounts of Algae and Pond Weed. Small amounts of which is fine, as it provides habitat, shade and food for pond life, but too much can stop the light reaching other plants in your pond.

Clear your Pond

A simple way to start is by cleaning out your pond, by removing the unwanted plants and algae that are taking over your pond!

  • You may just have a small pond, in which case it will be possible to go around the edge of your pond removing plants and algae. However if you have a larger or less accessible pond, it may be time to get your waders on!
  • Using a large net, lots of algae can be removed in a short amount of time. However plant life can be more stubborn, so some sharp pruners should be used to cut away at sections of plants.
  • For large plants, or ‘plant islands’, it may be more effective to drain your pond. Carefully re-homing any fish. And then removing the plants bit by bit. It is advisable to bring in helpers of this as it can be quite a large job on your own.
  • If you are using tap water to fill up your pond, it is advisable to use a water conditioner to remove chlorine and make your water more pond friendly.

Oxygenate your Pond

  • By using plants such as horn wort, eel grass, wild celery and elodea to name a few.

These will improve the quality of your ponds water by increasing oxygen levels.

Reduce the amount of Nitrogen in your pond.

  • Nitrogen promotes the growth of algae, so keeping these levels at a good level, will reduce the amount of algae removal you’ll need to do by hand and help keep your pond in balance.
  • To achieve this, add some algae fighters into your pond! Barley Straw has a long life span of around 6 months, before it needs replacing – and works by absorbing excess nitrogen in your pond.
  • Flora such as Iris, Rushes and Sedges work by competing with the algae whilst adsorbing small amounts of nitrogen, they will also add structure and beauty to your Pond. Ask at your local garden center for advice on what plants will work best in your local climate.

2.Use Natural and Local Plants and Materials

Getting the ‘right look’

A rather simple piece of advice but all too often overlooked; Have you ever seen a house or garden that looked right at home in its surroundings? More often than not this place will have been traditionally made, at a time when there was no choice – but to build and create using what was locally available.

Finding inspiration

Start by visiting successful local gardens, and take note of what flora and materials have been used, as well as the way the garden has been arranged. Having a walk around natural rivers and wild spaces in your Local Area will also help you create an idea of what works well in your local area and climate.

Getting materials

Look around local garden centers and quarries for materials and inspiration for your Pond. You may find the perfect stash of materials in your street or even at the back of your Garden!

3.Install a Pond Waterfall or Water Feature

Why Install a Pond Waterfall?

The addition of these adds a soundtrack to your Garden, be it the trickle of a small waterfall or the quiet bumbling of a fountain. Throughout history, waterfalls and fountains have been popular everywhere from Grand Stately House Grounds, to Small Japanese Gardens. Not only are they relaxing, but they have a multitude of benefits, and not only for you!

Additional benefits

Whichever it is, it is sure to make your Pond more attractive and interesting, but not only that – water circulation helps oxygenate your Ponds water, providing better water quality for pond and plant life.

Having water flowing around your Pond will also reduce the amount of algae growth and help prevent your pond going stagnant.

Check out our ‘Installing a Pond Waterfall’ Guide for more information and a simple Step By Step Guide on how to build your very own Pond Waterfall.

If installing a Water Feature, you’ll require an effective and reliable Pond Water Pump. This is what we recommend.

4.Install Pond Lights

Show off your pond

Why not show your Pond off at night time?

Pond Lights are a great way of displaying your Pond at night, by illuminating it in a new light and casting wonderfully reflections across the waters surface.

Pond Lighting also acts as a safety feature, letting people know where your pond is, when walking around your Garden at night.

When installing Pond Lights, it’s advisable to purchase effective and reliable lights. Here are a few that we recommend.

5.Expand Or Deepen Your Pond

A hard, but worthwhile task

Although a work intensive task, expanding or deepening your Pond can do wonders for it. Perhaps you want to keep Koi Carp or other Large Pond Life, or maybe you’d like to make your pond a more dominant feature in your Garden.

Either way, providing a larger expanse of water, will encourage pond life to make your Pond their home and increase the amount of Reflective light in your Garden.


Expanding your pond will increase the quality of your water (by providing a larger area of water for light to reach your plants) ,and also make it harder for algae and plant life to overcrowd the surface of your pond. It is also essential when keeping large pond life, to give them plenty of space to move around, feed and hide.

Deepening your pond will provide an area for Pond Life to hide from predators and also the cold in winter months, as this ‘deep zone’ will not freeze over. Typically ‘deep zones’ are around 3ft Deep.

Don’t forget Health and Safety!

Remember to think about health and safety when expanding or deepening your pond, ensuring that the site is blocked off and is well lit at night.

Check out our Step By Step, ‘How to Build the Perfect Garden Pond’ article for more information and know how.