Green burials are designed to leave a minimal impact on the environment. Traditional burials take up vital space in the ground, and non-decomposing coffins stay there forever. If you want to make sure your burial is a ‘green’ one, you need to utilize eco-friendly mortuary science techniques using the right equipment. Here are five funeral supplies for green burials.
Biodegradable Caskets
Biodegradable caskets will break down over time, which means that the burial will not have a permanent impact on Mother Nature. They still provide protection for the body during the funeral, but eventually they fade away. Wicker is the most common material for this kind of coffin, but there are other alternatives available. If you want to avoid a casket altogether, you could use a cloth shroud instead.
No Embalming
This is not so much a funeral supply but a lack of one. If you want to have a true green burial, you cannot allow the body to go through embalming. This action is required for certain diseases or transporting a body across the state border. Any other time, you can let the body go without being embalmed. You will need to plan the funeral shortly after the passing in this case, and you may want to opt for a closed casket ceremony. Centuries from now though, your loved ones’ body will be part of the earth because of your decisions.
Efficient Lowering Devices
Old casket lowering devices dug into the ground and left heavy imprints around the burial mound. Modern ones do not require that much of a footprint, making the smallest mark on nature possible. When you choose a funeral home to work with, make sure they have modern equipment to handle your needs. If you own a funeral home, you may want to invest in new funeral home supplies to do your part in the green burial procession.
Why not use the burial plot as a small garden in honor of your loved one? You could plant a tree in place of the tombstone, or you could turn the dirt mound into a large flower pot. Not only does this add beauty to the cemetery, but it also honors the deceased in a special way. Fake flowers and granite don’t have the same impact.
If you have a chance to stick around while the casket is being covered, throw some seeds in for grass, flowers, trees, fruit – whatever you think your loved one would like. If your mother loved making apple pie, plant some apple seeds on top of her casket. As these seeds grow, they will bring new life to the plot and restore the memories you have of your friend or family member.
Green burial is not a passing fad. It is a new perspective on traditional burials that could make a huge difference on the environment. With the right funeral home supplies on hand, you could honor someone close to you without making a dint in the ecosystem. Everyone wins!