5 Elements of the Perfect Men’s Shave

Posted on the 27 December 2014 by Manofmany @manofmanytastes

When it comes to shaving, it is crucial that you employ the tools needed to get that fresh look. After all, a smooth shave will leave men looking more dapper than ever before. While you can shave any way you want, with these five elements in tow, you’ll truly end up with the perfect shave.



Obviously to get the proper shave, men need to invest in a strong and durable razor that will get a closeup shave. Today, men are often tempted to purchase any old, disposable razor as it’s cheaper than the other options on the market. However, those razors won’t do away with the stubble. A razor that contains vintage blades will get rid of all the hair, leaving a man’s face smooth to the touch.

Pre-Shave Oil


Now before actually shaving with a razor, men need to purchase some sort of pre-shave oil. That’s because this oil will soften the beard that’s already in place. When the hair is soft, it makes shaving so much easier. Now men won’t have to struggle and go over the hair over and over again to get the same effect. Plus, the pre-shave oil also prepares the skin for a close shave, so men are protecting their skin by investing in this element.

Shaving Cream


Similar to the pre-shave oil, shaving cream also works to soften the hair that makes up the beard. Again, when the hair is soft it makes the whole process of shaving less of a hassle as the hair comes off in the first go around. Besides this, shaving cream also lifts the beard, while keeping the skin from getting irritated from the razor. Men are less likely to cut themselves when shaving cream is employed, as well as prevent razor burn from occurring.

Shaving Brush


Now of course men can apply the shaving cream onto their face using their hands, but why do that? Men will only end up getting the natural oils found on their fingertips into their facial skin, which can cause a whole slew of skin irritations and problems. That’s why a shaving brush is crucial, as it allows men to evenly distribute the shaving cream so that each part of the face is covered.

After-Shave Balm


Once shaving is over, a man must apply after-shave balm to his face. This item will truly refresh and revitalize the skin after shaving. It will also help prevent any irritation from happening, while leaving the skin super soft and comfortable. This is a necessary element if a man wants his skin to look healthy and glowing.