5 Easy Hairball Remedies For Your Cat

By Petslady @petslady

Perfection: Image By Cast A Line, FlickrCat hairballs present a common problem for the average cat and his owner. Cats tend to shed more frequently than other animals, and clean themselves on a regular basis. This causes their fur to gather up in their stomachs, eventually resulting in hairballs. 

Hairball Remedies

These 5 hairball remedies will reduce the number of hairballs your cat has to deal with day by day.

Brush Daily

Brushing your cat daily, especially during times when he's shedding frequently, will help prevent hairballs from forming in your cat's stomach in the first place. For best results, use a bristle or rubber brush for short-hair cats, and a wide-tooth comb or a wire slicker brush for long-hair cats. 

Grain-Free Foods

Grains can be hard on your cat's digestion, which can cause hairballs to form. Because fur doesn't pass as easily through a cat that's eating grain as a regular part of his diet, hairballs have a tendency to form more frequently. To avoid this, be sure to use grain-free cat food, and to keep an eye out for cat food that contains no wheat, gluten, barley, rice, or corn.


Pumpkin can help ease digestion and prevent constipation in a cat. It actually helps fur get better broken down and easily digested by your cat. Add about one teaspoon of pumpkin to one of your cat's meals daily, or serve it on the side as a special treat. 

Cleaning Time: Image By Supersum, FlickrFish Oil

Two tablespoons of fish oil (olive oil works too) once a week can help your cat pass any fur he happens to consume. Fish oil will also promote healthy skin, which leads to less shedding. As an added bonus, it will make your cats fur soft and silky. For a good, all-natural fish oil for cats, try Grizzly Salmon Oil All-Natural Cat Food Supplement

Probiotic And Enzymes

Probiotics and enzymes help maintain a healthy digestive system and helps to prevent any potential diseases of the digestive track. They will also help your cat pass any undigested food that tends to attach to hair sitting in the digestive track, thus helping him pass hair before it becomes a hairball. By improving your cats digestion, probiotics and enzymes will reduce any stress your cat might be feeling, which will reduce shedding in turn. To supplement your cat with probiotics and enzymes, find a good mixture like Animal Essentials Plant Enzymes and Probiotics and mix it into your cat's wet food.  

With these five remedies, your cat's hairballs will be greatly reduced, resulting in a cleaner cat and a happier you.

Savanna Y Lujan
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