5 Day Photo Challenge: Museum of Islamic Art in Doha

By Ninstravelog @ninstravelog
I accepted a photo challenge from Indah Susanti (check out her blog , where she combined two challenges into one:
  • One is Five Photos - Five stories. These rules make the next 5 posts and will be different posts, instead of throwing several pictures for a story, I will only post one picture for a blog post.
  • The second challenge is about Black and White Photos 5 Day Challenge.
Normally don't like a blogging commitment due to my day job. but Indah's idea to combine it together works for me. So over the next 5 days I will only post 1 Black and White photo per day, together with it's original colour photograph.
By the end of each post I will invite bloggers to participate in the challenge. Bloggers can decide whether to do both challenges or just one challenge or not do any of the challenges at all. The rules for the 5 Day Challenge are:
  1. On 5 consecutive days, create a post using either a past or recent photo in B&W only for Black and White Challenge OR in color for Five photos - Five stories Challenge.
  2. Each day invite another blogger friend to join in the fun.

Museum of Islamic Art in Doha

Today's photograph is about the Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) in Doha, Qatar. the city where I currently live. An iconic building set at one end of the Doha Corniche and on the waterfront, and that makes the building stand out in the area, separate from other buildings on the other side of the water. As Qatar works very hard to put this tiny country on the map, in all sorts of ways, which includes building beautiful looking cityscapes and architecture, This MIA was designed by a renown Chinese born American architect, who also designed the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France.

This photogenic buildings has a unique shape that looks different from every angle. As a long term resident of Doha, I witnessed the construction of this building through to its operational period which was in November 2008, unfortunately I was not lucky enough to be involved with the construction of this building. One thing that I have yet to do before leaving Doha is to visit the museum, not only the park, where I've taken dozens of pictures. More of my pictures of the building can be seen on my portfolio here.

The Challenge Invitation

As explained above, on this post, I am inviting another blogger: Curt Mekemson to join the challenge. He writes about his past travels where he has worked as a Peace Corp Volunteer, as well as his present wanderings, which also include beautiful pictures. I am sure Curt prefers to be recognised as a writer rather than a photographer as he has just published his first book: "The Bush Devil Ate Sam", but it doesn't mean that he can't take photographs, as his post about his present travel/wanderings always includes fabulous pictures. Take a look at his blog: Wandering through Time and Place.