5 Bodyweight Exercises for Those Over 40 Years

Posted on the 07 June 2020 by Sandeep Verma @magzean

We are told how important sport is in human life from childhood. But, unfortunately, many of us begin to be active in this regard only in middle age. It is very difficult to start playing sports when you have not lifted anything heavier than a ballpoint pen. Almost all beginners start training at home (or at home in combination with the street) with their own weight, and rightly so. Today we will talk about bodyweight exercise for those over 40.

The dangers of bodyweight exercise for those over 40

But first, let's emphasize that not all bodyweight exercises are useful for those over 40. The reason is that some of them heavily load the musculoskeletal system, as well as joints, which is unacceptable for people who have noted their forties. anniversary.

Bodyweight exercise list for those over 40

Below we provide a training option that is effective and at the same time considered relatively safe. But in any case, remember that if in the process of playing sports you feel some unusual reaction of the body, then you need to stop and consult with a professional. Be extremely careful when choosing exercise!

So, our list of bodyweight exercises for those over 40 includes:

  1. Reverse hyperextension.
  2. Traditional push-ups from the floor.
  3. Squats without weights.
  4. Twisting from a lying position on the floor.
  5. Horizontal pull-ups.

Reverse hyperextension

Image Credit: barbend.com

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the lower back as well as developing the muscles of the buttocks and hamstrings. Moreover, it helps to prevent the occurrence of intervertebral hernias. In order for this physical exercise to give maximum results, control the position of your legs: they should be parallel to the floor.

Traditional push-ups from the floor

Image Credit: fitday.com

The simplest physical exercise that allows you to pump the pectoral muscles, triceps and deltas. If you can't do it at least 10 times, then push up not from the floor, but from the bench.

Squats without weights

This physical exercise improves the quality of the thigh muscles. Move up and down slowly.

Twisting from a lying position on the floor

This physical exercise is indispensable for those who want to get rid of belly fat. Inhale and then exhale and bend your torso. Inhale again and return to the original position.

Horizontal pull-ups

This physical exercise takes the muscles of the upper back, biceps, brachialis, and others to a new level. It is also effective for the deltoid and forearm muscles. A plus can be called the fact that it can be performed on a low horizontal bar, a stick fixed on a hill, a barbell neck on low racks or a Smith machine.

We advise you to compose your workout from several of the physical exercises listed above, rather than trying to achieve the ideal in any one of them.

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