5 Bestseller Books You Should Read To Increase Your Productivity

By Dreamtechie

Ask yourself daily- Productivity isn't about doing more it is about creating more impact in less work. Have I been productive today? Yes when you ask yourself this question, you will analysis, whether you are heading towards the right direction in your life or not. But there are days when you feel you are just not doing enough to attain your goals and you find it really hard to figure out what is the thing that is stopping you from achieving the goals.

We all feel this way and that is why it is necessary to challenge yourself daily and learn every day a new thing and work on improving your productivity skills. So if you want direction on how to improve your productivity, then read these books which are bestsellers and bound to help you change the way you are. This book is one of the most popular books on how to be productivity all your life and if you follow the steps David Allen has jotted down you are sure to become a 1. Getting Things Done: How to Achieve Stress-free Productivity, by David Allen: self-disciplined person. Follow the book as a bible and see the way you become more effective in your tasks.

P.S if you find reading a book difficult task, then you can always listen to audio books. 2. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg:

This is one of the top rated productivity books that explains you the importance of habits and how you should change them to attain success.

The author has beautifully penned down the real-life habits of strong business people and how they made a certain alteration in their habits to attain success and fame. So if you are looking for a book to help you on your productivity issues, then definitely read this book. 3. Eat That Frog!, by Brian Tracy:

There is nothing productive about this book's title, but trust us, this book has the secret mantra on how to achieve more in life. Tracy has shared just 21 mantras in his book that will change the way you see your work and life.

Inculcate these 21 habits in your day to day life and we bet you will see yourself as a positive and motivated person.
4. The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss:

The title of the book is quite interesting and attracts you to join the ' new rich'. Timothy came up with this book when he took a holiday break from his hectic lifestyle. The book is based on the 80/20 principle, liberation and pushes you to work smarter and develop a productive mind.

Live any lifestyle and follow the ideas given in the book and you are sure to become more productive.
5. The Desire Map, by Danielle LaPorte:

Being productive can definitely be challenging and this book encourages you to understand what you want from your life and then focus on those goals. The book is highly motivating and pushes you to go beyond your limits.

This book is a must read for every person who lacks the motivation factor and feels he/she is less productive in life. If you have read any of the above books, then do share with us in the comments below. Read these books and make your life purposeful, as you live only once! image source- google.com, amazon.com

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