#5 Benefits of Using Google Analytics for Your Small Business

Posted on the 26 October 2019 by Deepak Bhardwaj @ideepbhardwaj

There are various strategies and method used in SEO. For any website search engine optimisation is the critical way towards the success of any business. Keywords ranking, content marketing are important for higher rankings. But how can you measure your success or improve it. One such tool is Google Analytics which is offered by Google is a great tool for SEO. Google Analytics is free and easy to use. You can maximise and improve your website performance. For best SEO services in Delhi, Google Analytic is the crucial tools.

Here are benefits of using Google Analytics

  • You can view organic search traffic

The foremost thing about is your website is to know how much traffic is coming to your site especially from organic searches. More organic searches or unpaid searches results in better search engine ranking. With Google Analytics tool you can identify overall traffic a website is getting. You can check the reports to determine from where you are getting the most traffic from and if there is a decline in traffic you can change your strategy.

  • Which keyword is driving most traffic

Keywords are the heart of the SEO. Your key has to be long tailed and specific according to your business. Google analytics has a section dedicated towards this only called Queries. Here you can get a complete report of which keyword is most searched, amount of times one of your site’s pagesranked for that keyword, how any times people clicked on your site after showing in the search for that specific keyword

  • Measure the quality of SEO traffic

Which Google Analytics you can measure the quality of the traffic coming to your site. But how can you measure “Quality”, a subjective term. The report tells the details of the traffic coming to your site, you have to know how to interpret it. If your business is experiencing more conversion rate then you are getting quality traffic on your website. If there is a decline in conversion rate but traffic is steady then you can easily ascertain that traffic coming to your site not of high quality

  • Identify the page load time

This is one of the key features of Google Analytics that it identifies slow pages i.e. taking too much time to load. Having a slow website has many disadvantages-

  • From SEO point of view, Google doesn’t rank slow website high
  • Slow website is really bad for your business Most of the people will abandon your website without even viewing it
  • Slow website has bad user experience and many visitors might not even come back.

Google Analytics shows report of average load time of the website’s web page. If you have a slow website you can optimise it according to the SEO.

  • Set your goals

Setting a clear goal for any business is of crucial importance. With Google Analytics you can set your business goals. It provides you with 20 goals per reporting view.


Deep Bhardwaj use various tools to rank any website on the search engine in which Google Analytics is a major part. Other than collecting data about traffic from Google, you will also collect data traffic from MSN and Yahoo too.