
By Regectedriter @regectedriter

Dear Playwright, (Points for accuracy!)

Thank you for your submission to Going4Broke Theatre Company.  If you have been selected for our Falling Into Fall: Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees reading series,  you will be notified via email by August 25, 2011.  If not, you will never hear from us again.

Ever again.

As a kind reminder there is no monetary compensation for your submissions in the reading series because despite our uppity attitude, we have no money.  This is a chance for you to see your play and hear it in a visual and tactile way, which is a magical statement since this is for a reading series.  This is in order to help you develop it further, and for us to make money off of you.

We are very excited to help some of  you grow as playwrights and want to possibly see a select few of you move forward with us and become a produced playwright with our company in the future,  so we can claim you as our own and make money off of you.

We’re really broke.

Schedule and instructions will come with the emails sent out on August 25, 2011, but for the rest of you suckers, well, you’ll probably be placed on a mailing list and e-mailed when we’re doing shows or during donation campaigns.  Thank you again for your efforts and we look forward to making snap judgements about your plays!

Most Sincerely,

Mr. Monopoly & Mrs. M.T. Moneybags