The history of Ushuaia is kind of weird and interesting. I guess it used to just be a place that prisoners were sent and didn’t become truly livable until about the 90’s. There aren’t many legit houses. From what we saw today, a lot of people live in little shacks surrounded by stray dogs and gorgeous views. We ended our tour with a BBQ in someone’s home. I think these experiences have been more valuable and educational to me than learning about them in school.
I did yet another thing I never thought I would do. I went off-roading in Argentina! Bet you didn’t know I was so outdoorsy, huh? It was raining so the narrow, dirt roads were pretty much just big puddles. At one point, I thought the car was going to flip over when we went down a steep hill and through the water (scary!) We drove past beaver dams and cool scenery for about an hour before we made it back to the main road.
The history of Ushuaia is kind of weird and interesting. I guess it used to just be a place that prisoners were sent and didn’t become truly livable until about the 90’s. There aren’t many legit houses. From what we saw today, a lot of people live in little shacks surrounded by stray dogs and gorgeous views. We ended our tour with a BBQ in someone’s home. I think these experiences have been more valuable and educational to me than learning about them in school.
The history of Ushuaia is kind of weird and interesting. I guess it used to just be a place that prisoners were sent and didn’t become truly livable until about the 90’s. There aren’t many legit houses. From what we saw today, a lot of people live in little shacks surrounded by stray dogs and gorgeous views. We ended our tour with a BBQ in someone’s home. I think these experiences have been more valuable and educational to me than learning about them in school.