48 Hours in Philadelphia, PA

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

We (husband & I) have realized, not only do we like our bi-yearly vacations, we also love frequent weekend getaways. Living the same life, gets quite monotonous for us. Taking a plane ride to far-forsaken-lands is not always a possibility, but a few hour road trips to neighboring states and cities can definitely be done.

Two weekends ago we made our way to Philadelphia. I have already shared my accommodation information here now let's see what all we did while we were there.

We left home around 11:00am and after a pit-stop at Starbucks for a coffee run we made our headway to Philly. The drive was smooth and easy, filled with conversations and music. We reached the hotel in about three hours. We checked it and put on our travel shoes and went straight out to soak in the culture and history. Thankfully everything was at a walking distance from The Windsor Suites. First we walked to the Philadelphia Town Hall. That's where the famous "LOVE" sign is where people continued to take pictures one after another. I took mine from a distance! Soon after we were starving because we had a light lunch before leaving home and the drive had exhausted us.

We walked to the Rittenhouse Square, which has so many options that making a choice was proving to be hard. Being Friday evening the wait was quite long too. Finally we settled on having some delicious Italian food.

After a filling meal we walking around the neighborhood which was buzzing with people. Thankfully the weather was on our side and it was not too humid. While walking we stumbled upon the sign for The Observation Deck and without thinking twice we went for it. Luckily there was a deal on Groupon and we were able to save a couple of bucks on the ticket. We spent a generous amount of time enjoying the top view of the city's skyline. We stayed back sunset to witness the stunning sunset.

We walked around a little more, stopped by a bar where I had sparkling water and husband had some beer, and we both had some interesting conversations (with each other!). Haha

We started the day early and went for a job along the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. We were headed to a trail but we made so many stops on the way that we ran out of time. There were many landmarks and parks to view along the jog. We finally made it to the Rocky statue and the "steps" I even did a couple of laps on them. After an eventful morning we made our way to have some breakfast. We were recommended Sabrina's Cafe and it did not disappoint. My tofu scramble was off-the-charts.

We showered, and without wasting any time went on to explore the city more. We checkout the Cathedral Basilica, Eastern Penitentiary, Spring Garden neighborhood, had some delicious meals throughout the day and crashed tired, but enriched with out day's experiences.


Before heading back home, we decided to enjoy the breakfast at the hotel and went to checkout the famous Magic Gardens, which turned out to be the highlight of the weekend for me. We also tried to visit the Liberty Bell, but the queue of tourist was a couple of miles long, and we had no patience to stand in the heat for that. Luckily I had seen it upon my visit to the Philly.

Satisfied, and elated with our weekend, we drove back in the afternoon and made it to DC by 3:00pm, still having the evening to unwind and prepare for next week.

If you are interested in the exact locations and information about the places we visited hit play on the Travel Log below in which I have tried my best to cover the highlights of the trip.

Hope you enjoyed virtually coming along on the trip with me!

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at info@tanvii.com.