4/16 – Half Marathon Training

By Christopher Orr @BlkSwmpRunnr

gcm[This post was originally written yesterday, but the 'net hiccuped and either AT&T or WordPress ate the submission. I'll post again later with today's run and thoughts. - BSR]

Another day closer to both graduation and the Glass City Marathon! At this point, the two events have sort of merged to me. This is partially due to my last day of law school being the Thursday before the race, so Glass City will be my first weekend in three years without law school. .

I definitely think I’ll be taking my finisher’s beer to celebrate finishing both the race and my juris doctor. Heck, I might steal Stacy’s drink ticket!

Sometimes I think that running may have saved my sanity with everything that has happened in the last three years. I wasn’t a runner for my 1L year and I was a complete mess. If I hadn’t rediscovered running I likely would have continued down that spiral.

The funny thing is that when I did my student visit day to Capital Law before I decided where I would attend, there was a student there that said that running kept her from getting over her head with law school stress. If only I had listened, but the old, fat version of me wasn’t that wise.

I sometimes wonder if my interviews would have gone differently in 1L if I had been fit and running instead of obese and lazy. No way to change the past, but it is something that haunts me occasionally.

Pre-workout: Chocolate Outrage GU! Om nom nom, chocolate GU.

Workout: 5 mile, HMP pace test

Simple workout – ignore the Garmin and try to run my HMP by feel. A secondary goal was to try to maintain it for several miles. Checking the Garmin Connect, I was at ~6:50/mi, which is almost dead-on for my goal HMP.

I figure that with a proper taper, carb loading, and the buttload of adrenaline that accompanies a race I should be able to keep that speed for at least several additional miles. My goal of a PR at Glass City is looking possible!

The weather, as always in racing, will be a factor. The cold has moved out again, but there is a storm on the 14 day forecast moving around race weekend. I’m hoping it hits either Friday or Monday.

Garmin Connect for 4/16 training run