40,000 Blog Views THANK YOU!

Posted on the 29 April 2014 by Tim Mushey @TimMushey73

Good Day Everyone!

When I started to write more than four years ago now, I had no idea where this journey was going to take me. I was just hoping that somebody other than close friends and family would take the time to read what I had to say at some point.

Through some incredible people who I follow like Pat Flynn from “Smart Passive Income” and John Lee Dumas from “Entrepreneur On Fire” I have learned about the power of sharing results of online businesses. Now these fine gentlemen have fully operational business that they make very good income at. I am not there at, but I have been very proud to share some key milestone moments along the way with my readers.

None of this has been done to brag, or pump out my chest to proclaim that I am superman or something.

I just want to inspire anyone who is struggling to get an online business going, start a blog, or even write their first article. Maybe you are stuck a bit (like I was recently) and are attempting to take things to the next level!

  • You can do this.
  • Your opinion matters.
  • We all have good days and bad, but the good WILL outweigh the bad.

You just gotta keep moving forward.

I still remember the day that I first grabbed a pen and notebook and started to write my thoughts a few months after I lost a job in early 2010. I was early for a sales call at my new role and something sparked creativity inside of me and I started to make notes about a few business ideas I had.

I am so happy that I kept writing, and ultimately gave myself the opportunity to have my message heard.

I am working on my first website so we can “keep this party going” for many more years to come.

  • Where are you at with your business?
  • Things going as planned?
  • Need a little reminder of how awesome you are, or need a little “nudge” to move things forward?

As always, feel free to leave a comment, or shoot me an email at TimMushey@gmail.com

Would love to hear from ya!

You can also swing by my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SellLeadSucceed and leave a comment there too!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and being part of my incredible community :-)