40% of U.S. Adults (incl. 11% of Dems) Not Sure If Obama is American Citizen

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, conducted on July 16-17, 2014, finds that whereas 60% of U.S. adults think Obama is an American citizen, as many as 40% or 4 out of every 10 do not believe their president is an American citizen, which of course violates the U.S. Constitution’s Article II.

Of those Americans who are skeptical of Obama’s U.S. citizenship:

  • 23% outright don’t believe he’s a U.S. citizen, including:
    • 41% of Republicans, 21% of unaffiliated Independents, and 11% of Democrats!
  • Another 17% aren’t sure if he is a U.S. citizen, including:
    • Over 20% of Republicans and Independents, and 7% of Democrats.

The survey also probed Americans’ belief/disbelief in other conspiracies, including:

  • 32% of Americans believe President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by more than one shooter.
  • 24% or one-in-four adults are convinced that the U.S. government knew in advance about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and did nothing to stop them.
  • 20% of Americans believe that a UFO carrying space aliens on board crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
  • 14% think the U.S. faked the moon landing.

One interesting finding is that in general, men are more likely than women to believe most of the conspiracy theories.
