4 Web Design Aspects That Are Not Understood Easily by the Customers as Being Peculiar

Posted on the 03 October 2020 by Anees @ZulfiqarAAnees

Web design development and its marketing is a multi-billion-dollar industry now. From graphic designers to web designers and developers, millions of new jobs have been created in the last two decades as everything has shifted to online. From big, multinational companies to small businesses and startups, a website or a detailed e-commerce ready web portal is the requirement for all of them.

The role of web designers is great so that every company, whether they are just starting their business in a big city or a well-established firm, looks for their assistance. But there are many misconceptions in the eyes of the general audience and also the people running a business. Web designing is not what it seems like; that’s why in this blog now, I would like to shed some light on four of the aspects you may not be aware of. Or have a different perspective on it.

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Web Designing: Web Design Aspects you may not be aware of

1. Rewards for Design Experimentation are Rare

There are many aspects to which experimentation for designers can be tough. You may be surprised, but as the customers also don’t give much leverage to the designers, this is a harsh reality. Let me offer you an example so that you can understand exactly what I want to connote here.

Experimentation or trial and error is the way to go for designers to come up with a unique design. Yet, there are some aspects for which this is not what most designers want to indulge in. The reason is the pressure from customers to provide them the required web design within a specified period. We all know that a unique design needs some time and experimentation or the trial and error method. So, what’re the designers need to do? Read on.

One simple step is that the designers need to improve their game to apply the processes even if the time given by the customers does not match. Realistically, this can be very tough, and most of the designers will not do so. Another possibility is that the designers can talk to their customers about getting them the best design possible, but only if they are okay giving them more time.

I think that by now, you may have realized why I mentioned that the rewards for experimentation for designers are rare nowadays.

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2. Complacency is Not Allowed

The web design company and the related trends move at a rapid pace. There is no room for complacency for the designers as they have to move on with the trends. But you will find designers who are still stuck in making designs that are based on older trends. For example, there was a trend a few years ago that used full-screen images as the background on the homepages and even on subpages. This trend has died long ago, but some designers still offer web pages with this trend, and there is no need to tell you why they don’t get much appreciation.

The rate change in the design trends may shock the end-users as they experience new trends within a few months now. The customers are of the view that they want the latest trends incorporated in their web design. And that’s why the designers can’t show any complacency in their work as their customers won’t be satisfied with anything less than perfect.

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3. Constant Interaction with the Customers

The constant interaction with the customers is always a requirement for web designers, and it is understood that it is a given. But can you think about scenarios in which the designer would like to remain tight-lipped about what is going on with the project? This may sound a bit unusual, but there are scenarios in which this can be a requirement for the designer.

Let me offer you an example so that you can understand my viewpoint easily.

Customers want to get engaged in a project right from the start in Italy and so that they are aware of what is going on. Web design is not something that can be done overnight, and several weeks are required to complete a project. But there are times when a designer wants to work with full peace of mind and doesn’t want to get interrupted time and again. This is where the constant interruption gets on the nerves of the designer, and his performance gets affected.

In this scenario, it is best for the customers to keep away from the designer for some time. The designer may convey this thought through customer support, someone who is in direct contact with the customers. This must be conveyed to the customer very politely as some people might get offended by this. But they need to understand that it is for their own sake and for the betterment of the project.

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4. An Authority on the Subject? Not Really

You will find a web design company in Dubai that will act as if they are the ultimate design agency in the region. And their designers and developers are the authority on every subject related to web design. Yes, they may boast of highly qualified and experienced designers, but this doesn’t mean that they know everything related to design.

If someone tells you that he knows everything about web design and all the software and tools available, there are several things that you can ask to confirm this. And I am sure that they will falter in the initial few questions itself. There are hundreds of software and tools available in the market, and their newer versions arrive all the time, so how come a person can claim that he knows everything that is currently on the market? This is an absurd claim that must be dismissed by the customers.

On the other hand, there are highly experienced designers who have invested their time in learning web designing and all the related aspects. Their experience can work for any business so that they can get a website designed perfectly for them. But even that experienced designer can’t claim to be the complete authority on the subject.

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Over to you

This topic is so vast that I can offer you several other factors in detail, but it will not be viable for everyone to read such a long blog. I hope that you will learn something new after going through this piece of writing. If you think that you can add something valuable to this blog or want to ask a question, you are more than welcome.

For any feedback too, please use the comments section below.

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