4 Ways to Make Moving Less Painful

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

We all know that moving is considered to be one of the most stressful things we modern humans can do. It is not simply moving from a to b; it is a massive list of chores that need to be done. All this can cause a lot of people a lot of pain and worry. It can cause some to bury their heads in the sand, which is the worst of all strategies. No good will come of this. Moving is something that needs to be taken head-on. It doesn’t need to be so stressful or painful, either. You can make it enjoyable if you are so motivated. To help you out, here are some ideas to help you make your move less painful.


Your Mindset

One of the reasons why you may find it so stressful is that you think it is going to be stressful. The mind has a habit of creating that which it thinks. So, you need to change this idea. You need to change the fear of moving into making it a fun thing to do. Change negative taking to positive thinking. If you can say to yourself every day three things that you are looking forward to and what you enjoy about moving, you will be able to make the move more pleasurable. 

Get Organized

Organization is the name of the game. As soon as you know you are moving, you need to start preparing. Start with a list of all the things that you have to do, from calling the removal firms, such as North American Van Lines and getting a moving date on your calendar. A moving date that is set in stone helps you as you have something to aim for. Your list needs to consist of all the paperwork you need to do, such as close contracts with your utilities firms, etc. The more items you have listed, the better you will feel. That niggling feeling that you have forgotten something is so stressful. So, time and organization will help you eliminate that stress.


Decluttering is an essential part of the moving. Not only does it help with the move, but it helps you prepare mentally as well. You are getting rid of all the old things. Things that no longer serve you any function. The more you can get rid of, the better the catharsis. Decluttering is good for the soul; it can unburden you of things from the past. Also, you can make money out of it. So, start early and sell anything and everything you can. 


You are going to need a lot of sturdy boxes and some strong tape. So, stock up. You will also need some quality packaging material to ensure your items survive the transit. Remember, the longer the distance, the higher the chance of something happening on the way. You need to start packing early and packing properly. Pack the non-essential items first and label the boxes appropriately. You are probably going to want to commandeer a room downstairs to store your boxes too.

Thank you for reading!