4 Tips for Surviving Moving Day When You Have a Dog

By Urbanmatter Chicago @UMatterChicago

Moving with pets to a new home is exciting but also challenging. It’s also not the most comfortable time for your furry friend. Suddenly all he ever knew before disappears, and now he has to adapt to completely different surroundings. Your dog might be scared of this new reality – that is why you need to make this transition period as pleasant and stress-free as possible. The first step of this process starts with moving day. You want to be prepared and assure your dog with comfort and toys to keep him busy and less stressed.

Here are some things you might want to consider before the big day.

Prepare the Food

Food can release tension within a minute. You want to stock up with snacks to keep your pet calm, especially during transportation. Does your dog have any favorites? If not, you can experiment a little and find food items that your furry friend would fancy. For example, you can read our blue buffalo puppy food review to find out more about compelling options. Once you’ve arrived at your new home, you might not feel like cooking, so you can order in using several apps. On a side note, this can also be an amazing way to earn some extra bucks by working as a driver to deliver with uber eats. We are sure that some restaurants might serve meaty dishes perfect for your dog.

During transportation, your pet might experience motion sickness (especially when your dog doesn’t travel often). They might associate a car ride with a stressful experience that follows a vet visit. It can cause anxiety and increased stress levels with results of vomiting or diarrhea. You can relieve the symptoms with anti-nausea and anti-anxiety medications. If you are looking for a lighter way to make your dog feel better to look for snacks with ginger – as it can soothe the digestive system.

Create a Plan for Your Moving Day

The worst part of the moving day for your dog might be transportation, especially if your new home is located a couple of hours away. Make sure to check possible stops and parks on the way so that you could take your pet outside and play with him to relax. You might also want to find out when the traffic hours begin and set a specific departure time to avoid it.

Set up a Relaxation Room

If you have an opportunity to equip your place before moving in, create a relaxation room or a corner for your dog before the big moving day. Prepare a nice, cozy dog’s bed, place some food and water bowls aside, and don’t forget about a toy basket to make the corner feel more pleasant. You might also want to add some blankets so that your furry friend could hide in those to feel more secure in a new home.

The key to making this idea achieve the best results is to keep to a routine. If you decide to place your dog’s things in the living room corner, you don’t want to move them to the kitchen suddenly. It is all about creating a friendly environment for your pet and making the adaptation phase more bearable.

A great tip to make your dog explore the house, especially if he’s scared, is to hide snacks around the rooms so that he might move around the new place and adjust to the surroundings.

Keep Your Dog Busy Once You’ve Arrived

There are many new people coming to your house during your moving-in day. This creates new opportunities for your dog’s stress to appear. What can you do to keep him busy? Look for a dog-friendly location or a daycare. If you can actually spend this time with your dog and hang out in the new neighborhood, maybe look for some animal-friendly restaurants and wait there until the whole moving chaos is over.

The Bottom Line

The moving process might get complicated, especially for dog owners. Fortunately, there are some ways to make this experience more bearable. Various pet snacks might be a lifesaver to keep your dog occupied. Also, look for calm remedies as some food products with specific ingredients or medicines will help to control your dog’s behavior in case of an anxiety attack caused by all the rapid changes.

The key to making the moving day go smoothly is to plan. You want to find nice dog-friendly spots to take your pet there in case of too many people in your new home, or simply discover the new neighborhood and show it to your furry friend. Take good care of your dog during the moving process by implementing some of the tips above, and help your dog stay calm.

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