4 Tips For Keeping a Clean and Tidy Home

By Kravelv

As the longest night of winter, the Winter Solstice is officially over, the world is beginning to lighten up in the evenings again, and that means that it's time to look ahead to spring!

One of the best parts of Spring is time to refresh your home and do a spring clean, and this is exactly what this article is going to be about.

Planning For A Spring Clean

First things first, though, you need to plan ahead in order to get the most out of these spring cleaning sessions, so here are just a few of the items that you'll want to include in your list.

Start Off Organized

Organize and organize! Having a tidy home is one of the best ways to reduce stress, so make sure that you plan everything out and put any items that need their own containers or locations somewhere they can easily be found.

Don't forget that all those items that need their own containers or locations can be put away when you wake up in the mornings. Keep your bed made and tuck your dirty clothes into their designated places.

Keep On Top of Laundry

If this is a time of year that you get to do laundry, then make sure that you don't put it off. Doing a big load of laundry once a week is enough to maintain your clean, fresh, and odorless home.

Keep all of your laundry supplies in the same place at all times, and make sure that you use them so as to not waste any time looking for soap or fabric softener when the weather warms up. The same goes for cleaning supplies, and you should probably renew your supply of these items on the same schedule, especially if they're used up quickly.

It's worth also mentioning that you should plan in the laundry that is not routine. These things include cushion covers on your sofa, the bag cover for your adult bean bag chair, and mattress covers. These things may be washed infrequently, but they should still be planned into your wash schedule.

Have Each Child Responsible For Their Own Area

One of the great things about spring cleaning is that it's a great ice-breaker for children, so if you and your family can work together to organize their own baggage, you'll find that it will make this process that much easier.

If you have a teenager in the house, try having them put away all the old toys and game consoles that are currently being used. This is also a great way to get them interested in being part of household chores as well because they'll know that these items need to be kept out of sight until they're required again.

Embrace Baskets

In the same vein as laundry, your home should be filled with baskets. These baskets can be used for sorting out paper, and they're also perfect for storing all of those items that need to have their own storage.

Don't forget that baskets can be lovely additions to your home decor too, so if you're choosing a basket that is just for storage, you should still make sure that it looks nice and fits in well with your decor.