4 Things to Consider for a Loft Conversion Project

By Evette Garside @evette77

Loft conversion is a great way to add value and space to your property. A Loft conversion involves converting the top space under the roof to a habitable and usable room. This additional newly converted space eliminates the need for a new room and increases the resale value of your property.

You should consider the following 4 tips when starting a loft conversion project.

Check if you need planning permission for the project

A loft conversion will go smoothly if you have adequate loft space. Luckily, you can still convert the loft if you don't meet particular requirements by hiring a professional loft conversion company who have the expertise to make the necessary adjustments.

You will, however, require planning permission in some cases. You can check the government's planning portal to see changes that require planning permission. Any changes to the house must conform to standards and regulations set by the authorities.

Remember, you are doing this project to save money, but if you don't follow the necessary rules and regulations, you will end up paying hefty fines.

Loft conversion increases the resale value of your property

In loft conversion, an additional room is created which is cheaper the construction a whole new room or a new house. Due to the additional room, the resale value of your house will increase greatly.

Choosing the right loft conversion

There are mainly six ways of converting the loft which includes the following

· Rooflight

· Hip-to-gable

· Mansard

· Dormer

· Gable-to-gable

· Modular extension

Your choice of loft conversion will depend on your requirements and type of your property. A deeper dive of different types of loft conversion that are available can be found at this guide done by Proficiency. In a nut shell, rooflight conversion is the best option if you require a cost-effective solution. If your roof needs to be altered, then you will need to get a dormer loft conversion. A modular extension is required when you want your rooftop to be totally replaced for a new room. Hip-to-gable conversion is best if the roof needs to be removed to build a new squared room. In gable-to-gable conversion, two squared extensions are added on both sides of the loft and lastly, mansard conversion involves replacing current rooftop that has steep ends to create a flat top.

Find a temporary place to live for the duration of the project.

In case your roof needs a replacement for the loft conversion project, it is highly recommended that you and your family relocate temporarily to a different place. The construction work can be very hazardous at times and this relocation is necessary to avoid any possible mishaps during the work. Adverse weather conditions will also make it harder to live in the house with an open roof. Moreover, the roofing company dealing with your project will be at their best if they are given enough room to work.

These tips will help you a lot if you are thinking about getting a loft conversion done on your property.