4 Rules About Weighing Yourself

Posted on the 29 March 2016 by Health_news

The most common way we determine our health is by checking our weight on a weighing scale. Of course there are men and women out there who hate stepping on to this scale.

A scale will only tell you your weight. It is often seen that people, especially women use a scale as a means of determining one’s success, happiness and self-worth.

To help you realize that a scale is only a tool to study one’s overall health, here are a few rules to follow to prevent your scale from turning into your enemy:

  • Check your weight only once a week

It will not serve you any purpose to step on the scale every hour, every day or every other day. If you have set a particular weight loss target you need not obsess over the number you see on the scale so frequently.

Checking too frequently will affect factors of what you eat daily and how much you exercise and more…

  • Check in the mornings

Checking your weight on a particular day of the week and at a particular time is what will help in determining your progress.

The ideal time is in the mornings in the middle of the week, after you head to the washroom.

  • Aim for a range rather than a specific number

We all have a specific number in our heads. Give yourself a cushion of a few kilos here and there so that you do not rest all your emotions on a specific number.

  • Determine progress in other ways

Do not determine your progress by the mere number on the weighing scale. You can look into other factors such as how your clothes fit you or the muscle mass that you have gained.

It is all in the mind. You need to balance what you feel happy about with what you actually are.