4 Right Ways to Stop a Nose Bleed

Posted on the 13 February 2016 by Health_news

At some point or the other in life we all have experienced nosebleeds. Despite the fact that most of the time that they are harmless, we panic when we see a nosebleed. It is normal to face a nose bleed at least once before you hit the age of five.

A bloody nose is nothing serious. Here are 6 ways to stop a bloody nose:

- Pinch the nose

This is the quickest, easiest and most effective remedy to stop a nose from bleeding. Pinch shut both the nostrils and then ask the child to bleed through the mouth. Hold for 5 minutes without interruption.

Do not try to see if it has stopped in between. Repeat the process again if the bleeding hasn’t stopped.

If your child has trouble breathing or is injured or has something stuck in his nose and his nose is till bleeding, it is best to seek medical attention.

- Lean forward and not back

The last thing you want is blood going down the throat. Leaning the back can cause them to choke or vomit on their own blood.

Let the blood run out through the nose till you can get it to clot.

- Do not stuff the nose

We all think that by stuffing a child’s nose with tissue or cotton we are soaking up all the blood. But what actually happens here is that by stuffing the tissue when the blood is clotting, we risk the chance of reopening the wound when the material is being removed.

- Cool down

You might want to cool down the child so that the clotting process can happen sooner. Apply a cool ice filled cloth to the bridge of the nose and cheeks that will help in slow down the bleeding.

Nosebleeds are normal and there is no reason to panic. Just reassure your child or the person with the nosebleed. Your nose has hundreds of fragile and tiny blood vessels and so it might seem like a lot of blood. Panic should set it if only if is so severe or if lasts for more than a week.