4 Reasons Why Blogger's New Https Plan Is Beneficial For You

Posted on the 08 April 2016 by Nitishk

We all know that recently blogger announced that it will force all blogspot blogs to use https but will that really benefit you ?
If you're a blogger having blog with custom domain then this https plan will not work for you as it is currently only available for blogspot user like this blog.
So here are some reasons why blogger's new https plan will help you -

What Is This Blogger's New https Plan ?

Here is the notice which you might have noticed in your blogger dashboard -

Coming in late April!
All visitors will be able to view your Blogspot domain blogs over an encrypted connection by visiting https://<your-blog>.blogspot.com. Existing links and bookmarks to your blogs will continue to work. As part of this change, the HTTPS Availability setting will disappear, and your blogs will always have an HTTPS version.

So after reading this you might be worried that your blog ranking may drop due to change in version of your blog but it is beneficial for you too !

When blogger firstly introduced the https availability for bloggers then there were many cons of it like - non working of widgets , red color shown in https lock icon , unsecured image issue , etc but now all of these are solved by blogger team ultimately not affecting your blog's rankings.

Will This New Plan Drop Your Traffic ?

You might be thinking that after https version will be available for your blog then your blog ranking's , seo , traffic may get down but it will not as blogger has finally solved the issues which will not make your blog traffic down but you might notice some drop in your traffic in first few days as google bot will take some time to refetch the encrypted urls and reindex then but then your blog traffic will get increased automatically as google give high preferences to https sites than normal https sites.

Benefits Of Blogger's New https Plan -

Here are some benefits you will get after this new plan gets started -

    Increase In Blog Traffic -

As stated above that after your blog will be available in https version then your blog traffic will definitely increase as google will give your blog more preference than other blogs which are unsecured ultimately helping you in increasing your blog's rankings.

    More Reputation For Your Blog -

When it comes to reputation then everyone gives more reputation to https blog as they see the green lock icon which makes them think that the blog is secured and they're secured in exploring your blog.

Also many other ranking sites give preference to https blog which will help your blog to get more reputable.

    Improving Of Alexa Rank -

Its simple that when your blog's traffic will increase then your blog's alexa rank will also improve which will help you get more attention to your blog by other search engines.

Many of ad publishers look firstly on alexa rank of your blog and if they find it good then they approve you to their program which is again beneficial for you as you will be accepted by more ad programs rather than waiting for years to increase your blog traffic to get approved.

Again its simple that when your blog will get https support then your blog will automatically get more secured as the data will be transferred through secured layers helping to make your blog un-hackable and more secured.

Another benefit of https is that form data submitted in https sites/blogs is passed through secured layers which will help your blog to get saved form hacking attempts made by hackers.

Final Verdict :

So these were some reasons why blogger's new https plan will be ebenficial for you and how it will affect your blog's rankings and traffic.

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Don't forget to share this post to your friends to make their misconceptions clear and know the benefits of this new plan.

Happy Blogging And Good Luck :)