4 Myths About the Flu and Flu Vaccine

Posted on the 12 February 2016 by Health_news

Every year millions of children get infected with the flu. This nasty virus has people queuing up at the hospital. Of course there are people who are smart and resort to taking flu vaccines so that they avoid getting sick.

Even doctors these days encourage getting vaccinated against the flu, so that you not only et protection from the seasonal flu but also the different flus that make the headlines every year.

Here are the most popular myths about the flu:

1. Flu passes only by sneezing

There are a millions ways that the virus can spread. Even the air can spread the virus. So if it’s not sneezing, your daughter can bring it home by touch or just inhaling these germs.

2. The flu vaccine can cause the flu

There is no scientific backing to prove this allegation. The vaccine only helps your body build its immunity against the flu this season. It only builds resistance and doesn’t cause the flu.

3. Flu vaccine doesn’t protect against the new flu strains

Flu vaccine developers also take in the most recent and dangerous strains of the flu. You flu vaccine also works to keep the new flus that arise each season like Swine flu, Zika virus etc…

It is better to be safer than sorry. You have nothing to lose by taking a simple vaccine.

4. You should wait for flu season to get vaccinated

The flu vaccine lasts longer than you think. A vaccine taken a few months before the actual flu season will get you through the flu season.

So do not go around believing everything you hear about the flu. Take the vaccine and stay protected.