Whereas my interest in wine shops depend solely on selection and price point, my qualifications for a successful wine bar are a delicate act of balance and even unconscious. That said, there are several components which make up a good wine bar. It’s equal parts wine selection, ambiance, evolution, and price. A wine bar can have a stellar selection, but no ambiance can kill an experience. Or it can have a lively atmosphere, but a lack of interesting events, whether educational or recreational, will disappoint me.
Wine selection. This is obviously highly subjective, as well as highly important.
Ambiance. By all means, this is a vague word that means many things to many people. I personally enjoy a wine bar that feels relaxed and cozy. Soft furniture, lamps and melodic tunes help create a homey, welcoming atmosphere which can
Evolution. What I mean by evolution is by keeping the wine fresh and clients intrigued by having a wine list that changes on a regular basis. In addition, an equally important facet of evolution is that good wine bars make an effort to draw in their customers and keep them coming back. Events such as wine tastings, theme-nights (i.e. cupcakes and champagne), pairing dinners, and wine classes are all examples that the management takes their wine and their business seriously and is making a conscious attempt to attract people in.
Price. Nobody likes to get ripped-off.