4 Mistakes We Make When Bloated

Posted on the 22 March 2016 by Health_news

What do we really do when we feel bloated? In our desperation we land up doing a lot of things to expel the gas or bloating that actually worsen the bloating. You may experience abdominal pain cramps that can vary from being mild and sharp as part of gas building up.

Here are what we are doing wrong when we suffer from bloating:

Mistake 1: Filling up on carbonated drinks

We all are under the wrong impression that carbonated drinks will settle our ballooning stomach. Aerated drink will cause you to feel good initially but will actually push down the bubbles and make feeling of bloating, gas and cramps even worse.

Solution: Plain water will flush your system out better. Exercising also helps in reducing the bloating.

Mistake 2: Keeping off healthy foods that you claim causes bloating

A lot of us keep away from healthy foods like cabbage, broccoli, watermelon and many more with claims that they cause increased bloating or gas.

What you don’t realize is that these foods are high in fiber that helps in the movement of this gas outside your body.

Solution: Do not cut out these proteins completely. Simply cut the portions sizes.

Mistake 3: Over eating fiber

No doubt fiber is essential to kill the bloating. But some people go overboard and can land up clogging their bowels that make the bloating symptoms worse.

Solution: Aim to spread out your fiber intake over all your meals and do not consume more than 35 grams per day. Do not forget to drink enough water to help digest the fiber consumed.

Mistake 4: Wearing tight pants

Wearing tight pants will compress your system and will not let air pass through. There will be no room for your digestion system to function properly and let out the gas.

Solution: Wear loose pants that allow your digestive system to function properly.