4 Fun and Educational Gift Ideas For Your Teen

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

Finding the perfect gift for your teen can be a frustrating experience, especially if you can’t keep up with the latest trends and ideas. But why not skip the usual this year when it’s time for their birthday or major holiday and get them an educational gift? 

It might seem like a bad idea, but educational items designed for teens help them transition smoothly from adolescence to young adulthood. Plus, the market value of educational toys is constantly rising and is expected to increase by $28 million by 2025, so it is a popular gift option worth considering. Here are a few suggestions.

  1. Journals

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Despite having healthy relationships, some teenagers find it very difficult to speak to their parents or other adults in their lives. Sometimes, they prefer keeping things to themselves. That’s where a journal comes in handy. By gifting them a journal, you allow them to express themselves and share their feelings in a safe environment. 

The teenage years can be very confusing and challenging. Journaling also helps them understand who they are and helps them reflect on their experiences, including their feelings and reactions towards recent life events. It is also an excellent way to set personal goals and make plans as they grow older. 

Another benefit of journaling is that it can be a source of stress relief for your teen. A study in 2018 showed that teens had reported higher levels of depression and anxiety than all other age groups. Journaling helps your teen remove their troubling thoughts from their minds as they write and help them escape for some peace of mind.

  1. Laptops

No matter their interests, your teen is going to be pretty impressed with a laptop. When you decide to buy a laptop, ensure that you consider a wide range of factors such as how the features would suit their interests and how many tasks it can handle at once. It would be best to consider the brand and how much storage space it has.

Laptops are incredibly useful to teens. Aside from entertainment purposes, they also provide educational benefits to users. Some laptops come with very handy educational software designed to make learning easier for your teen in school. LanSchool software from Lenovo is one of the best examples.  

  1. Cameras

A camera is one of the best gifts to give your teen who is interested in photography. However, several cameras are available on the market, so your search could be a little tasking. Regardless, there is something out there for every photographer, novice or experienced. 

A point-and-shoot camera will be the best option if your teen is now learning the ropes. It is the most basic type of camera and is relatively more affordable than others. It is the perfect type of camera for them to practice with and enhance their creativity. You can get a DSLR camera with more advanced qualities for more knowledgeable users. If your teen is more adventurous and likes to record their thrill-seeking activities, you can get them an action camera.

  1. Art kits

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Does your teen have an eye for art? Art is a great hobby that guarantees a sense of pride and satisfaction upon completion. It also helps your teen express themselves better, especially if they are uncomfortable sharing their feelings with others. If your teen is artistic or has developed an interest in art, you can get them an art kit. 

There are several kinds of art kits on the market that best fit your teen’s current skill, hobby, and experience. Traditional art kits have all the essential tools every beginner painter needs, including watercolors, brushes, paints, and oils. If your teen is more into crafts, you can get an art kit for jewelry. These kits usually have cool jewelry designs and instructions on making the perfect jewelry piece. 

You can also get them coloring books and puzzle sets, and no, they are not too old for it. Coloring helps them focus, especially if they have difficulty focusing, and improves their motor skills. Puzzles also encourage logical thinking and improve mental speed. It’s also a great way to improve their short-term memory. 

So, there you have it! These are some of the best gifts that entertain your kids and encourage them to learn and develop their skills. Of course, there are several other options out there. Ensure that your final choice depends on your teen’s interests, hobbies, and preferences. If you’re unsure, you can always speak to your teen for better clarity.

Thank you for reading!