4 Essential Items You Need To Take Care Of An Elderly Person

By Yourtribute @yourtribute

Aging is an inevitable life event that will affect families as parents will reach their old age and experience drastic and visible changes to their standard of life and well-being. With an overall decline in their mental and physical functioning, taking a caregiver role is something you or any of your family members should do for your elderly loved one.

However, as a caregiver, you need to be well-prepared for several things that should be taken into consideration. From identifying signs of cognitive decline to helping them with their day-to-day activities, these are just some of the responsibilities you may be dealing with. Luckily, there are things that can help make your job as less stressful and challenging as it should be. 

Below are the four essential items you should have to take care of an elderly person: 

Hygiene Kit 

One of the most important aspects of senior care is keeping proper hygiene. Due to some changes in their cognitive functions, taking care of themselves is something they can’t handle on their own. Thus, it can be tough to maintain proper hygiene as they age. 

If you’re embarking on a caregiver role, you need a hygiene kit at your disposal to ensure better bathing and hygiene assistance. This kit may include: 

  • Adult Diapers – Also known as protective underwear for adults, these products are essential to an older person’s daily hygiene. As they may not be able to control incontinence or suffer dementia, they should have high-quality, absorbent, and easy-to-use diapers. 
  • No-Rinse Bathing Wipes – If your elderly loved one has difficulty getting out of bed or in a shower, using bathing wipes can help maintain their daily hygiene. These products can be used to wipe their bodies and keep them clean. 
  • Shower Brushes – Since it’s difficult to reach certain parts of their body, using shower brushes can help keep up with the senior’s hygiene. They can extend an elderly’s reach, making the shower a less challenging task for you and the latter.

Easy-To-Use Caring Tools

As mentioned, caring for an elderly loved one requires physical, emotional, and mental strength. Thankfully, there are easy-to-use caring tools that can make your job as a caregiver a little more convenient. These items can be used to make sure that you can help your aging family member complete their day-to-day tasks. 

Here are some caring tools you can use when taking care of a senior loved one: 

  • Handle Grippers – These are used to assist seniors in grabbing items, like toothbrushes and forks. These can also provide full surface area grip, making gripping objects much easier for them. 
  • Reacher-Grabber Tools – These can help them grab items at a higher or lower location without having to bend over. Whenever they need something, they can use a reacher-grabber tool to do the job without being too dependent on your assistance. 
  • Button Hook Aid – To make your caregiver job less tedious, you can use dressing aids, like button hook aid, to help seniors streamline the process of getting dressed. Instead of doing the job manually for them, you can have this tool to assist you. 

Printed Medication Checklist And Information Sheet

Amid panic when your loved one needs to be admitted to the hospital, it’s easy to forget about their medicines and what they’re called for. To save yourself from unnecessary confusion and hassle, get your printed medication checklist and info sheet ready at hand. 

When you’re too occupied with things, all you have to do is give the copy to the medical attendant. Having it prepared beforehand can save you a lot of time and energy, knowing that all information is ready for the hospital and physician’s use. Not only that, but sharing this checklist can also minimize the risk of committing errors in the treatment of your elder family member. 

Vitals Kit

Another essential item you should come in handy when taking care of an elderly person is the vitals kit. In addition to hygiene duties, being a caregiver comes with some nursing duties, such as keeping a record of health using an updated log of vital signs. In doing this, you help yourself determine any abnormalities and changes that may cause some severe health problems to your senior loved one. 

To assist you in getting your elder’s vital signs, below are the items that you should add in your vitals kit: 

  • Thermometer – This can be used to measure their body temperature.
  • Blood Pressure Cuff – This can be used to identify their blood pressure within a given period. 
  • Pulse Oximeter – This can be used to know the saturation rate of their pulse and oxygen. 
  • Stethoscope – This can be used to listen to the lungs, heart, and other organs to make sure they’re functioning well. 

With these tools in place, knowing and understanding how they work are extremely important. The more you can get the most out of these assistive tools and other breakthrough innovations in elderly care, the more you can monitor the elderly person’s health and take early life-saving actions. 

TakeawayIndeed, caregiving is a tough job for any family member. But, with the help of the items listed above, caregiving can be such a fulfilling responsibility. Remember, caring for this vulnerable sector of society can go a long way in boosting their sense of worth and keeping them independent as they reach the peak of their lives.
