4 Engaging Types of Videos That Make Great Blog Content

Posted on the 23 January 2018 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

More and more blogs are starting to publish video content due to its popularity and how engaging it can be. Of course, there are some types of videos that are more engaging than others, and knowing about them should help you to come up with better video content for your blog.

In particular, these four types of videos stand out in terms of engagement and have consistently proven to be effective:

1. Instructional guides and tutorials

Guides are an extremely popular type of blog content due to the fact that they help viewers to solve problems they may be having, or teach them to do something they may want to learn. Engagement levels for this type of video tend to be high, so long as the video delivers on its promises.

Although the focus of a guide or tutorial should be on the instructions and message - it is possible to use them to promote products indirectly, by showing them being used as part of the video.

2. Interviews

A good interview with the right subject and an interesting topic can make for a really engaging video - but it isn't easy to pull off. Ideally, the subject who is being interviewed should be someone who is an authority and has a well-established reputation.

Additionally, the topic should be something that your audience would be interested in knowing more about, and your interview questions need to be designed to help shed light on it.

3. 'Talking head' video blogging

Video blogging is basically a blog post in video form, and generally is a 'talking head' video captured via a webcam. In this type of video, you'll be the subject and you'll discuss a particular topic that you feel would be interesting to viewers.

Video blogs can be very engaging - under the right circumstances. The success of a video blog is dependent on the topics you choose, your personality, and how engaging you are. In short, the pressure is on you to make it engaging and entertain viewers.

4. Brand culture videos

Although brand culture videos can be very engaging - you need to first have a well-defined brand for your blog. For business blogs, it is often easier to create these kinds of videos as they tend to have well-defined brands, but personal blogs may struggle initially.

At the end of the day, however, brand culture videos are meant to showcase the vision, values, and ideas that are at the core of the brand's identity. In short, these videos should help viewers see what your blog is about and what it stands for. It could be a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the work that goes into your blog, or a 'mission statement' video about what you're trying to achieve.

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Because Movavi Screen Recorder for Mac lets you adjust the recording parameters, you can fully customize its frame rate, capture area, audio sources, sound levels, and more. In fact, this video recorder for Mac will even let you record keyboard and mouse actions as part of your videos.

If you're looking for an easy way to record your screen and create content for your blog, Movavi Screen Recorder for Mac will be a great way to start. Try using it to create some of the types of videos outlined above, and you should be able to come up with engaging video content for your blog.