4 Easy Homemade Christmas Ornaments DIY

By Sangeetha

Looking for some easy homemade Christmas ornaments and Christmas crafts that you can do with your kids?

Look no more as I have got some cheap and easy Christmas ornaments for you.

Christmas holidays are fun with all the carols and the kids eagerly waiting for their imaginary Santa Claus and reindeers to deliver gifts to them.

During these holidays season why not try some adorable crafts that your kids will enjoy making and love.

Hope you have already read the DIY Christmas card and sock snow man.

4 Adorable homemade Christmas ornaments for your kids:

Here are some kids' friendly Christmas crafts to decorate your tree with, this festive season.

#1. Christmas Wreath

Christmas wreath can be used as decorative signs for Xmas tree or can be hung at the door. These are made by bending green branches into a large circle.

Materials used:
  • Craft wire - a round shape or Bendy sticks
  • Green color craft paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors

Draw the leaves on the craft paper. Size and shapes does not matter. You can draw the leaves the way you wish. Apply some glue on the paper leaves and start wrapping them around the wire using glue.

I have made some paper flowers too for the wreath.

Materials used:

Divide the paper into two parts. For the flowers we need only one part of the paper. Fold the paper in half as shown.

Fold it again in half so you get a rectangular shape. Using a pencil or pen give the shape of a petal and cut it accordingly.

Now give a cut at the bottom and apply glue on one side and stick the other side too. Repeat with the remaining petals.

Apply glue at the bottom and stick the petals one after the other in the shape of a flower.

Use it to decorate the wreath.

#2. Paper Snowflakes Ornaments:

Elegant and easy snowflakes made with craft paper to adorn your windows this festive season.

Materials Required:
  • Craft paper - A4 size. (Any colors)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Ribbon or plain white thread to hang

Fold the paper diagonally to make a triangle shape. Trim off the excess paper. (See picture)

Fold it in the middle. Fold it once more to make a crease in the middle.

From one side fold it so it touches the crease.On the other side you get a star shape like a paper plane.

Cut off the end of the triangles. Now you can cut them in any random shapes you like. I have cut triangle shapes on mine.

Now open up each paper for a beautiful snowflake.

  • Do not cut off the center part
  • Carefully cut out the shapes to avoid tears
  • You can even draw the pattern and then cut accordingly
#3. CD Ornaments:

CD ornaments are fun to do. Decorate your Christmas tree with these glittering ornaments.

Materials required:
  • Old CD - 1
  • Acrylic paints - optional
  • Glue or fevicol
  • Gem stones or glitter

Apply fevicol all over the CD and before it dries up place all the stones or glitter of your choice around them. You can decorate it with acrylic paints too.

Adorable CD ornaments are ready to use, you can hang them on your Xmas tree.

#4. Paper Angel Ornament:

My kiddo loves paper fans, and with these paper fans you can make little angels and they make cute decorative ornaments!

Materials required:
  • A 4 size Craft paper: any colors
  • Stapler
  • Glue or fevicol

Take one A 4 size craft paper and cut into half. One portion is for the body and the other is for the wings.

Then start folding the paper as you normally do for the paper fan. Staple in the middle with the thread as shown below and the wings are ready. Cut out a little to make the wings short.

For the body, take the other paper and make a fan and fold it in half. Cut and fold the fans.

Glue together both the fans. Stick the wings with the body as shown.

Cut out a circle on a paper and draw the face of an angel. You can also use some glitter to decorate the face and wings of the angel. Glue the face in the middle of both the papers.

So how did you like these quick and easy homemade Christmas ornaments crafts? Do try the Christmas bauble DIY, quick n easy Christmas decorations too.

Do share which ornaments you are going to make to decorate your Xmas tree with.

Happy crafting!