4 Cute Ways To Announce Your Engagement

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

“WE’RE ENGAGED!!!” It’s the text/snapchat/Facebook post everyone hopes to receive from their long-term relationship-bound bestie. But what if you’re the bestie? What if it’s your sparkly new ring on that very important finger? Chances are you’ve had a secret Pinterest board for quite some time now (no shade, just jealousy. I had to preemptively-pin in public like some sort of animal.) Chances are you have a pretty definitive seasonally-dependent line up of possible color schemes. Chances are you know damn well which flowers are verboten from all arrangements. What I’m saying is, you’ve already started to put some thought into your wedding – put some thought into all the goodness leading up to it! You only get one shot at getting/being engaged and married (well, ideally) so live it up! Enjoy every minute – ok maybe not those minutes you spend freaking out over ridiculousness like cake filling flavors or escort cards. But do enjoy the precious moments of sharing this joyful time with loved ones. Especially your engagement announcement. Gone are the days of impeccably worded newspaper announcements. And even Charlotte York’s NYT wedding section obsession is now a thing of ancient history. But listen lady, you can do better than an emoji filled status update. I believe in you. Save the autocorrect for the select texts you can’t wait to send, then put your phone down, bask in the glow of your newly engaged status – not your FB one. Then select your favorite of these cute ways to announce your engagement.

via the abyss of Tumblr. If you have a real source, holla.

Alright, you’ve got the ring, let the socially acceptable designer shoe shopping consumption BEGIN! Just kidding. Please be responsible with your wedding budget and do not spend it all on expensive footwear (although you already know how I feel about that subject). However if you do happen to have a pair of Valentino’s lying around (or any pair of cute shoes for that matter) – how sweet is this photo idea? And perfect for the truly girly-girl who has been dreaming of her wedding day forever.

via Pinterest

It’s rare that I read some long comment on a Pin I actually agree with. Typically I’m wondering if this DIY pink lemonade dish soap is going to break my dishwasher or why anyone would put that much effort into Elf on the Shelf. But this Pinner brought up a good point: smoochy pic engagement announcements are sweet, but your friends and family love you, know you, and want to cherish this time in your life too. They’d probably rather not do so with a snapshot of you two sucking face (that’s what the first kiss is for!) Give them a beautiful portrait they can both leave on their fridge for 2 years after your actual wedding and scrapbook.

via Introducing Us

If you’d rather take things digital, please please please for the love of G_D use this idea so I can live vicariously through you. I’m so upset this didn’t exist when I got engaged! Intorducing Us is a service that lets you create a relationship timeline that culminates in an engagement announcement (and Save the Date if you so choose.) It allows all of us to become Jess & Russ, regardless of any graphic design skills or cleverness. And it is so.cute.

If you do elect to share the happy news via The ‘Gram, please take care to include your intended in your ring pic! He’s spent a considerable amount of time agonizing over the perfect ring for you (trust me, you have no clue how many times I had to assure him that “halo” can mean both pave and micropave). Give that man some credit & show off his sweet face!