4 Creative Things to Do with Travel Photos

By Natalie Tamara @thetofudiaries

There are so many things I love about digital photography: you can tell right away if you have got a good shot, SD cards are huge (yet tiny!) so you don’t run out of space easily, there are no processing costs or chance of exposing a film, the end results are easy to share and don’t have to take up physical space… I could go on!

However, if there is one real downside to it has to be how many photos end up sitting on a hard drive for the rest of time never being enjoyed or shared. Some of us might upload a few to social media or share them on our blogs, but even then the majority ultimately end up confined to the archives.

Do you do anything to display and enjoy your travel photos?

In that past I have covered whole walls with photos or strung them up on a photo “washing line,” both of which have looked great and really allowed me and any guests to view and appreciate them. Since moving house last summer however, I’ve been looking for some more “grown up” ways to display them – I guess blue-tacking photos to walls isn’t something I feel I can do any more!

Here are four creative things to do with travel photos:

Create a Gallery Wall

The adult version of sticking photos directly onto the wall, a gallery wall of framed photos is a great way to present a sequence of images. You can curate your selection in any way you like: to show photos from one trip, to present landscapes or focus in on the textures of small details.

I wanted this gallery wall in my living room to fit in with the colours I chose for the room so every photo is blue and yellow. The end result has photos from China, Russia, Ukraine, Jordan, the Philippines, and more. (After looking at this photo, I should probably go and straighten them up now!)

Print a Canvas

A printed canvas is perfect to showcase one stand-out image. There is such a range of sizes available that it is an ideal way to show off a panorama (let’s face it, no computer screen ever did a panorama justice) with a 40″ x 16″ or create a central feature with a huge 60″ x 40″ print.

Using Creative Canvas Company*, I chose to print this photo from Reykjavik as I loved the composition and calm colours. It almost looks like a watercolour painting and in fact a neighbor recently mistook it for a painting!

Personalise Something

I know “something” isn’t especially evocative but there are so many options and I’m not just talking about a cheesy mug covered in holiday snaps or baby photos. You can create something really special and be artistic with it so the finished results mean much more than someone else’s design or a stock image.

Every time I look at the photo of this heart-shaped leaf from Croatia it will remind me of that moment so I have been waiting for just the right way to immortalise it. This vegan leather document and notebook holder from Wrappz* couldn’t be better for getting to appreciate it frequently.

Phone and laptop skins are another great option – readers of The Tofu Diaries can pick up a free skin courtesy of Wrappz here using the code FREESKIN or get 20% off other items with FBFAN20.

Print in a Unique Way

Polaroid-style photos are one of those things that always seem to look cool, don’t you think? These metal polaroids are such a creative thing to do with travel photos or they work especially well with people shots. I bought these on Not On The High Street at £19.50 for a set of four, where you can set your own captions with a choice of two fonts.

What creative things do you do with your travel photos?

*Some items received for review, all opinions my own!