3rd Birthday Madness

By Cleverbuttons @cleverbuttons

Hi All,

As we are fast approaching Clever Little Buttons 3rd birthday it is time to sit back, reflect on an awesome 3 years and get ready for the next 3. On top of this, it is only a few weeks until I turn 30 which just seems to make writing this post all the more special.

Over the years this blog has become more than just a place to express my feelings about fashion and writing, which was the original premise for creating it. Now it is a place where I can discuss with others how we should all learn to love how we look, take pride in our natural beauty and be a platform for young girls across the world to learn that it is OK to be just who you are. I could not be more proud of how this blog has evolved as it could have always stayed as a straight laced fashion blog, never true to myself.

Over the 3 years you guys have been with me through redundancies, loves, illness and my own journey into the world of a fully fledged adult – which is a terrifying thing that I still haven’t quite got my head around. Without all of you I would simply be the same little writer, sat at my desk, screaming at the wall. So, in reality this post is just for you to say thank you and to hopefully help you realize how truly wonderful you all are – I may cry a little now…….

So as a gigantic thank you I have a birthday giveaway for all you lovely people. Firstly this is open to people all over the world – yes even you guys in Thailand – I know you visit so come and get involved!!! Secondly all you have to do is share this post on your social sites and leave a comment when you have done so don’t forget to include either your email or social channel so I can find you – that’s it! The winner will be picked at random using one of those number generated things – technical as always.

So what is the prize? I know I could have chosen a fashion item and had done with it, but this is a special occasion so I have picked something a little different. The prize is this book “It’s Vintage Darling” which is literally a one stop guide to everything you need to know about vintage clothes, shopping and lifestyle. It is fun, happy and a book that I have referred to as my bible before.

So come and say hi, share some Clever Little Buttons love and possibly walk away with a book that will have you gagging for some 70′s flowers in your hair!

Winner announced on the 3rd Feb (the actual 3rd birthday)