3D-Coat 4.5 Released!

Posted on the 30 May 2015 by Farsthary

At Pilgway we are very proud to announce the release of 4.5 version of the cutting edge Digital Sculpting and 3D content creation 3D-Coat.

This particular update has taken us a while to deliver, but we made sure to include a whole LOT of new, great features to make 3D-Coat a more versatile and powerful 3D painting and digital sculpting tool.

Check out our video presentation and a short list of new features implemented in 3D-Coat 4.5 below. Owners of 3D-Coat 4 and 4.1 can upgrade for free.

Important notice! From May 28, 2015 till June 15, 2015 we offer a special launch discount of $45 (US dollars) on Full Professional and the Floating licenses.

Here’s a nice feature list and a quick introduction to PBR materials.

We want to thanks our active community and our restless team at 3D-Coat that will continue to deliver top of the line tools for artists and creators.