38 Federal Agencies Reveal Their Vulnerabilities to Climate Change — and What They’re Doing About It

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

38 federal agencies reveal their vulnerabilities to climate change — and what they’re doing about itGR:  Interesting that NASA worries that climate change might interfere with the agency’s ability to launch.  Good.  Shut ‘em down and focus on Earth until we resolve the multitude of crises we have right here.

Chris Mooney,The Washington Post:  “The Obama administration published a small library’s worth of climate change documents on Friday, outlining 38 federal agencies’ vulnerabilities to global warming and how they will address them — as well as a separate and even larger set of new government-wide plans to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions and achieve new targets for sustainability.

“In sum, the reports represent over a thousand pages of climate change threat assessment and sustainability planning by a vast federal complex that collectively operates 360,000 buildings, maintains 650,000 vehicles and spends $25 billion on energy costs per year.

“In many cases, the vulnerabilities revealed are stark. The Department of Agriculture, for instance, sees “the potential for up to 100 percent increase in the number of acres burned annually by 2050″ by wildfires, according to its new adaptation report. The agency notes that fire suppression expenditures have already grown from 13 percent of the Forest Service’s budget in 1991 to 40 percent of it today, and says the service’s other operations are imperiled by the continual demand to throw more resources at fires.”

Source: trove.com