37 Ways to Create Content That Drives Traffic

Posted on the 17 November 2014 by Andreaantal @andreaeantal

There's no question that creating compelling content can be a full-time job, and one that requires skill and savvy. If you're interested in creating content that will generate traffic to your web site, Quick Sprout has developed a handy 37-point checklist that will help you create great content.

Here are some highlights:

  1. Use the words "you" and "I" - using the words "you" and "I" within your content will create a feeling of a conversation between you and your readers, which will keep them engaged longer.
  2. Keep it simple - don't try to use fancy words within your posts. If a fifth-grader can understand your vocabulary, you're doing well. Otherwise, you will lose a lot of readers.
  3. Get to the point - no one likes reading fluff. The quicker you get to the point, the better.
  4. Use sub-headings - using headings within your post will make content more skimmable.
  5. Make your headline eye-catching - from creating a sense of urgency to creating curiosity or making a promise, make sure your headline is attractive enough so people will want to read the rest of your content.
  1. Back up your points - stats are everything. If you can't back up your data, no one will take you seriously. Make sure the sources you are using are credible.
  2. Showcase your accomplishments - somewhere within your content, or in your author bio box, you need to show off your accomplishments. This will prove that you are an authority, which will help cultivate a following.
  3. Make your content actionable - people should be able to read your content and know what to do next. From how-to posts to list posts, the more actionable you make your content, the better off you are.
  4. Use instructional videos and images - in the B2B world, using images or videos that help guide people through the steps they need to take to achieve a certain outcome is an easy way to provide more value.
  5. Give them more - at the end of your article, consider offering additional resources or guides. For example, having a downloadable PDF or a checklist will help increase the value of your content.
  1. Don't forget the emotional crack - consumers have a short attention span, much shorter than B2B readers. Keep your substance-filled content short and edgy.
  2. Be trendy - in the consumer world, trendy content tends to do better than evergreen. Trendy content is typically more socially driven.
  3. Timing is everything - the quicker you are to break a story, the more readers and traffic you'll get. Stay on top of Twitter and Google Trends to see what's hot.
  4. Visuals are more important than text - consumers prefer visuals (images and videos) over text.
  5. Connect your content with pop culture - if you can incorporate what's happening in the world into your content, you'll get more social shares.