36 Top Manilla and Kraft Wedding Ideas — a Blogger’s Picks from Around the World!

By Claire

So today my lovelies I’m shar­ing my kraft crush (oh dear — I typed that with a k and had to go back and cor­rect it!) with you all. I’ve made a Pin­ter­est board with some favorite ideas and included some of my new cal­lig­ra­phy ideas for you below as well.

Manilla place name tags from £1.40 each with hand­writ­ten cal­lig­ra­phy — www.Calligraphy-for-Weddings.com

Thirty fan­tas­tic manilla and kraft wed­ding ideas on Pinterest

Paper rose wed­ding place names with manilla card are £2.50 each with your guests’ names in cal­lig­ra­phy — www.Calligraphy-for-Weddings.com

6 real wed­dings with won­der­fully cre­ative ways to use kraft paper and manilla stationery

  • Brid­get and Rob used brown paper bags full of rose petals for their guests instead of con­fetti in their beau­ti­ful Geor­gia wedding
  • Helen and Steve designed a fab­u­lous manilla wed­ding sta­tionery suite with vin­tage inspired fonts and won­der­fully cre­ative lay­outs for their farm wedding
  • Ash­ley and Peter’s wed­ding escort cards are so cute with doilies and white let­ter­ing; their invi­ta­tion is lovely as well! See their clas­sic wed­ding with baby’s breath on Snip­pet & Ink blog
  • I adore Mia and Jared’s sim­ple escort cards and manilla heart place name cards for their roman­tic New York wed­ding blog
  • Laura and Jeremy hired a pro­fes­sional wed­ding sta­tionery designer to cre­ate beau­ti­ful kraft paper wrapped wed­ding invites
  • These kraft paper wed­ding invi­ta­tions with a mod­ern twist are pretty cool as well — chevron pat­terns and machine stitch­ing make them unique and lovely!

If you’d like to share your own manilla or kraft wed­ding ideas, links etc. please add a com­ment below this post — the more the mer­rier! Claire x

Rus­tic wed­ding gift boxes in manilla from Cal­lig­ra­phy­s­tore on Etsy.com