36 Resolutions - The Final Update

By Khourianya @khourianya
Wow!  I can't believe it has already been a year!  It has been a wild ride to knock as many of my resolutions off this list as possible but now my 36 resolutions for the year are done. I didn't wipe the slate clean, but I certainly showed what a girl with a list is capable of.
  1. Do something interesting with my hair - BTW, I am LOVING the pixie!  I just wish it didn't grow so fast!
  2. Rework my home gym
  3. Tune up my bike- never did get to it....and it makes me wonder if it is worth keeping my bike if I can't make time for it AND if I don't ride it.  
  4. Take the girls to Zoolights
  5. Make amazing halloween costumes 
  6. Plan a monthly date night - Not a night, but hubby and I took my birthday off and had a whole date DAY!
  7. Volunteer at a race - DONE!  On October 27, I volunteered as a Course Marshall with Tina at the WOW Superheroes Run.  What a cold, snowy, blustery day but we still had an amazing time cheering everyone on in our superhero costumes!

  8. Go thrifting once each month - DONE!  Scores this month included some beautiful scarves and a pair of Cole Haan loafers that looked like new.  Oh - and I also managed to end up at a Value Village on my birthday and they were having a 50% off sale - like they were celebrating the fact that I was so thrifty this whole year!
  9. Learn to knit properly 
  10. Take a shopping trip to the States
  11. Invest in a perfect party dress (doesn't need to be black) - I'm calling this one done.  Though I don't have the dress yet - I have made the commitment to get one for my best friend's wedding.  Extending the timeline until spring so I can lose some weight before I shop.
  12. Get another tattoo - DONE!  On remembrance day weekend, we were in Lacombe to celebrate my parents anniversary and Dad's birthday...and I got myself an appointment at the tattoo place there. I have been wanting to get JRR Tolkien's monogram tattooed and once I had figured out where I wanted it - I knew it was time to go for it!  I LOVE it!  I'm so happy I got it done.
  13. Leave Facebook again
  14. Get an instagram poster printed 
  15. Stay at the Banff Springs Hotel  
  16. Go on an amazing hike
  17. Take my kids camping 
  18. Re-learn how to draw and paint 
  19. Create an outdoor reading area 
  20. Plant a rose garden - still planning...BUT am holding off until next spring before I implement it.  calling this one done this year.   My promise to myself, though, is to put it in May long.  
  21. Redecorate the master bedroom and bath 
  22. Train for a specific goal race 
  23. Create an indoor reader's sanctuary Create a creative space for myself 
  24. Try to have an article published in a magazine 
  25. Try Stand-Up Paddleboarding 
  26. Go snowshoeing with hubby - DONE!  We went on my birthday after a weekend of snow accumulation - the temperature warmed up just enough to give us something fun to do on our date day on my birthday!
  27. Go ice skating with my girls
  28. Visit Ontario in the Fall - changed to: Book Tropical Family Getaway
  29. Self Publish One Book
  30. Run a 2:15 Half- I came so close and I don't even feel bad that I didn't do it.  At Harvest Half Marathon, I finished in 2:21:29 and ran the entire thing feeling gassy and bloated but still ran strong.  Given the injury challenges I had this late summer/early fall - I think this more than qualifies as a success and I am marking it completed.  NEXT year I know I can beat my goal.  
  31. Run a sub-60min 10k 
  32. Run a Sub-30min 5k
  33. Run a continuous 10k 
  34. Run the Goofy Challenge at Walt Disney World 
  35. Complete a home yoga stretching challenge - Nope.  This one I couldn't force myself to do.  I did do about one week of a 21 day challenge early on in the year, but I just don't like it enough to stick with it.
  36. Complete 8 weeks of Rip:60 changed to Complete 6 Weeks of Kettleworx - Almost done.  This is week 6.  Friday will be the last workout.  AND - I love this series so much that me and the Kettlebelles plan to do another 6 weeks perhaps with heavier kettlebells.
So, not too bad at all. Only 4 things out of the 36 ended up not being done. I think I will end this post here and then write another post with the things I learned in this exercise.  Stay tuned.  I'll hopefully get it up here in the next couple of days!